
来源 :中国职工教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:linnber
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今年是农历乙丑年,俗称牛年。东汉时,北方各族已逐步南迁,他们的动物纪年法与汉族的干支纪年法相结合,便出现了流传至今的十二属相纪年法。然而,人类与牛的关系几乎可以追溯到原始社会。从那以后直到今天,牛在人类的生产劳动和生活、意识形态等方面,都占有相当重要的地位。远古时期,牛由捕猎对象变为家畜,首先是为了吃肉和祭祀。《札记》中就有“中央土,食稷与牛”和“祭天子以牺牛”的记载。直到汉朝,各级官府都设有专门养牛的机关,按牛的性别、品种、毛色和角形分成等级,随时供祭祀盟会及食用。那时皇帝也十分尊重养 This year is the second year of the Lunar New Year, commonly known as the Year of the Ox. In the Eastern Han Dynasty, the northern tribes had gradually moved southward, and their animal chronological law combined with the law of the Han nationality and the annals of the annals of the Chinese people appeared in twelve laws dating back to the present. However, the relationship between humans and cattle can be traced back to almost primitive society. Since then, cattle have played a very important role in human production, labor and life, ideology and other aspects. In ancient times, cattle were transformed into livestock by hunting objects, first of all for meat and worship. “Notes” there are “central soil, diet and cattle ” and “Sacrifice the sacrificial emperor to sacrifice cattle ” records. Until the Han Dynasty, government offices at all levels had specialized agencies for raising cattle. According to the sex, breed, coat color, and angle of the cow, they were divided into grades for sacrifice to the Union and food at any time. At that time, the emperor also respected very much
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