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糖耐量异常周围神经病变是糖尿病周围神经病变加重及进展的早期因素,目前国内外都在积极研究糖耐量异常所致周围神经损害的病因机制,目的在于控制糖耐量异常人群转化为糖尿病人群,减轻其周围神经损害给患者带来更大的身心损害。糖尿量异常为早期糖尿病病变,对周围神经的早期损害机制仍然不明确,对损害程度的测量方法及评估方法也不成熟。以往采用糖尿病周围神经病变的神经电生理检查,但发现诊断率低,随着科学水平和诊断技术的提高发现配合其他的一些早期对周围神经损害的评估方法后,诊断糖耐量异常周围神经损害有所提高。现国内外对糖耐量异常周围神经损害采取怎样的诊断方式仍然无统一的诊断标准,目前国内主要参照糖尿病周围神经损害的诊断标准,而对糖耐量异常围神经损害的诊断方法目前能否按照糖尿病周围神经病变的诊断方法进行,是否有差别,各种研究也提出了不同的看法,所以怎样选择诊断方法显得尤为重要,其直接影响早期糖尿病周围神经损害的诊断率.因此选择对早期糖尿病周围神经改变较为敏感的方法,有助于提高糖耐量周围神经病变的检出率,早期加强管理及干预治疗,尽可能的降低周围神经损害的程度。 Impaired Glucose Tolerance Peripheral neuropathy is an early factor in aggravating and progressing diabetic peripheral neuropathy. At present, the etiology and pathogenesis of peripheral nerve damage caused by impaired glucose tolerance is actively studied both at home and abroad. The aim is to control the population with impaired glucose tolerance and to reduce the risk of developing diabetes mellitus Peripheral nerve damage to patients with greater physical and psychological damage. Abnormal urinary output is an early diabetic disease, and the mechanism of early damage to the peripheral nerves is still not clear. Measurement methods and assessment methods for the extent of damage are not yet mature. In the past the use of neuroendocrine electrophysiology of diabetic peripheral neuropathy, but found that the diagnosis is low, with the improvement of science and diagnostic techniques found in conjunction with some of the other early assessment of peripheral nerve damage, the diagnosis of impaired glucose tolerance abnormal peripheral nerve damage Increased. Now at home and abroad on impaired glucose tolerance peripheral nerve damage to take what kind of diagnosis is still no diagnostic criteria, the current main reference to the diagnosis of diabetic peripheral nerve damage, and the diagnosis of impaired glucose tolerance of the peripheral nerve damage can now follow diabetes Peripheral neuropathy diagnostic methods, whether there is a difference, various studies also put forward different views, so how to choose the diagnostic method is particularly important, which directly affects the early diagnosis of diabetic peripheral nerve damage.Therefore, the choice of early diabetic peripheral nerve Changing the more sensitive method will help to improve the detection rate of peripheral neuropathy with impaired glucose tolerance, strengthen the management and intervention treatment early, and reduce the degree of peripheral nerve damage as much as possible.
<正> 随着国内新闻媒体的竞争越来越激烈,广播如何“扬长避短”,从一个更新、更广、更全面的范围来认识广播的特点,挖掘广播传播的新优势,这是在当前媒体竞争中争取生存和发
胰腺实性假乳头状瘤(solid pseudopapillary tumor of pancreas,SPTP)是一种来源于胰腺的低度恶性潜能的肿瘤,临床诊断无明确的指标,最终通过病理确诊。现将青岛市市立医院近