
来源 :中学生英语·高一、二版 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhongqiou
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   Kamo Luo Mbuji is a well known Hungarian women translator. She was not good at foreign language at her early age, and in junior middle school in spite of her diligence, she always fell behind her classmates in tests of Germany. Entering high school, she was ever considered unpromising in language. Therefore, she chose to major in science at college. By accident, some sweet and euphonious proverbs made her obsessed with language learning.
   Every time she learned a foreign language, she started with a pretty complete dictionary. She took it as a schoolbook which she used to learn the rules of pronunciation.
   What’s more, she bought textbooks on the language she was learning, learned them lesson by lesson, and carefully did all the exercises following the lessons. She always left out large spaces between lines in her exercise books, so that she can took down five or six correct examples besides the incorrect or improper ones, which was quite helpful for mastering the vocabulary and sentence structures.
   Learned 16 languages within 25 years, among which she can speak 10, and is able to translate professional books and magazines, read and appreciate literary works in other 6 languages. She concluded her experiences and skills as the following 10 tips:
   1. Foreign language learning shouldn’t be interruptable, and it is always better to spare 10 minutes each day for it than none. Morning is the prime time for language learning, thus it should be made full use of.
   2. If bored with learning it, you needn’t push yourself further , nor give up, instead, you can change your way of learning, stop to listen to tapes or watch foreign TV programs, for example.
   3. Never recite words by rote without their context.
   4. Be ready to take down the sentence structures and idioms, learn them by heart and put them into practice as often as possible.
   5. Try to mentally translate whatever you come across, say, a piece of advertisement flashing past or an utterance heard by accident. This can be a way of relaxation as well as a way of training.
   6. Don’tgo over the exercises not corrected by the teacher. Only those correct things are worth learning by heart.
   7. Singular form and first person should be used when taking down the sentence structures and idioms, so that they can be inferred into different tenses in practice.
   8. Foreign language can be liken to a blockhouse, it must be beleaguered from all sides, for instance, reading newspapers, listening to broadcasting, watching foreign movies and TV programs, listening to lectures in foreign languages, reading foreign books, etc.
   9. Be bold to speak in foreign language, and don’t be afraid of making mistakes. Don’t be embarrassed or even discouraged when being corrected
   10. Be confident about your ability in achieving your goal, and be sure of your strong willpower and your endowment in language.
   Now, everyone, what do you get after reading ’s story?Why not start now? Be sure of yourself, and you’ll be great!
  1. 学习外语一天也不能中断,哪怕每天挤出10分钟也好。早晨是学外语的大好时光,尤应充分利用。
  2. 如果学厌了,不必勉强继续,也不要放下不学,可以变换一下其它的学习方法和形式,如改听录音,看外语电视节目等。
  3. 绝不要脱离上下文孤立地死记硬背。
  4. 应随时记下并背熟常用的“句套子”,并多多练习套用。
  5. 尽可能“心译”你接触的东西,如一闪而过的广告,偶尔听到的话语。这是一种休息的方式,也是一种训练方式。
  6. 不要反复去看那些未经教师修改过的练习,只有那些肯定是正确的东西才值得去牢记。
  7. 抄录和记忆“句套子”和惯用语时,要用单数第一人称。在应用时则能根据不同时态而发挥出去。
  8. 外语好比碉堡,必须同时从四面八方向它围攻。如:读报纸,听广播,看外语电影、电视,听外语讲座,读外语读物等。
  9. 要敢于用外语说话,不要怕出错误。当别人帮你纠正错误时,不要难为情,更不要泄气。
  10. 要坚信自己一定能达到目的,坚信自己有坚强的毅力和语言方面的才能。
  同学们,读了著名翻译家罗姆布奇的事迹之后,你得到了什么启示? 还不赶快行动起来,坚信自己,我也能行!
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