
来源 :临床皮肤科杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cxcqjf
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1 病历摘要患者女,67岁。因颈部及胸部出现红斑、结节、斑块伴疼痛2个月于2010年3月1日就诊。患者于2个月前右颈肩部出现条索状红斑、斑块,质地坚硬,伴皮损处刺痛感,随后胸部出现红色斑片、斑块及黄豆至蚕豆大淡红色结节。入院前3 d斑块上出现黄豆大水疱。患者自起病以来无发热,皮损表面无破溃。既往史:4年前曾因右乳腺腺癌及右腋窝淋巴结转移性腺癌行右 1 medical record Summary Female patient, 67 years old. Due to the neck and chest erythema, nodules, plaque with pain for 2 months on March 1, 2010 treatment. The patient had cord-like erythema on the right neck and shoulders two months ago with plaque, hard texture and tingling at the lesion, followed by red patches and patches on the chest and large reddish nodules of the beans to the broad beans. Large yellow blisters appeared on the plaque 3 days before admission. No fever since the onset of patients, skin lesions without ulceration. Past history: 4 years ago, right breast adenocarcinoma and right axillary lymph node metastatic adenocarcinoma right
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