Study of Sintering Behaviour and Electrical Conductivity of Cr-Zn-Fe-O System

来源 :Journal of Materials Science & Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sea37
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A series of chemical compositions based on Cr, Fe and O with Zn as a partially substitutingion has been prepared in the general formula ZnxCr1-xFe2O by coprecipitation method usingNH4OH as the precipitating agent at pH=10.3. The prepared samples were identified by boththermal analysis (DTA and TGA) and X-ray diffraction (XRD). It was found that no singlephase was obtained for any of the studied compositions but a mixture of different phases wasobserved, depending on the molar percentage of zinc ion substitution as well as on the sinteringtemperature. The temperature dependence of the electrical conductivity, σ, of the preparedsamples was plotted between 25 and 680℃. It was observed that the electrical conductivityincreased with temperature for both samples with x=0.00 and 0.80 Zn ion content whiIe itwas nearly temperature independent for samples with intermediate Zn concentration x=0.2 and0.5 mol fraction. The activation energy, Ea, calculated from the linear reIation, lgσ-1000/T forthe final mixtures (sintered at 1300℃) was calculated. A series of chemical compositions based on Cr, Fe and O with Zn as a partially substitutingion has been prepared in the general formula ZnxCr1-xFe2O by coprecipitation method using NH4OH as the precipitating agent at pH = 10.3. The prepared samples were identified by boththermal analysis ( DTA and TGA) and X-ray diffraction (XRD). It was found that no singlephase was obtained for any of the studied compositions but a mixture of different phases wasobserved, depending on the molar percentage of zinc ion substitution as well as on the sinteringtemperature The temperature dependence of the electrical conductivity, σ, of the prepared samples was plotted between 25 and 680 ° C. It was observed that the electrical conductivity was established with temperature for both samples with x = 0.00 and 0.80 Zn ion content whiIe itwas nearly temperature independent for samples with intermediate Zn concentration x = 0.2 and 0.5 mol fraction. The activation energy, Ea, calculated from the linear reIation, lgσ-1000 / T forthe final mixtures (sintered at 1300 ℃) was calculated.
晶莹的泪光中,我们欣慰地发现,在那一刻,老师与孩子们的心贴得如此的近。    今天离汶川大地震已经过去13天了,坐在学校相对安全的由学生寝室改成的办公室里,心里仍然时时在打鼓,下午青川发生的6.4级余震,至今还让我觉得世界都在摇晃。  静下心来,努力不去想,打开电脑,网上铺天盖地的都是汶川地震的相关信息。或许是职业关系吧,想都没有想,我打开了一组北川学校的图片。那是怎样的一幅幅画面啊:孩子们紧闭着
数学作为一门基础而又非常重要的学科,教学内容中有许多的定义、公式、解题技巧和思想方法。学生如何消化基础知识,掌握解题技巧和思想方法,进而增强分析问题、解决问题的能力,这不但要靠老师“教”,更主要的是要靠学生“学”。在学的过程中使学生由被动接受变为主动探索,发挥学生的主体作用。  在教学实践中我觉得要提高教学效果,达到教学目的,老师不能在讲台上唱独角戏,必须在引导学生参与教学活动的全过程上做好文章: