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建设社会主义文化强国,关键是增强全民族文化创造活力。只有充分自觉自信,不断改革创新,突出主体作用,造就优秀人才,营造良好氛围,强化制度保障,开放交流包容,全民族文化创造活力才能不断增强,才能真正开创全民族文化创造活力持续迸发、社会文化生活更加丰富多彩、人民基本文化权益得到更好保障、人民思想道德素质和科学文化素质全面提高、中华文化国际影响力不断增强的新局面。 The key to building a strong socialist country is to enhance the vitality of the entire nation’s culture. Only by fully consciously and self-confidence, by continuous reform and innovation, as a main body, by creating excellent people, by creating a good atmosphere, by strengthening institutional guarantees, by opening up exchanges and tolerance, can the whole nation continue its cultural creations in order to continuously create vitality, Cultural life is more rich and colorful, people’s basic cultural rights and interests are better protected, people’s ideological and moral qualities and science and culture are improved in an all-round way, and the international influence of Chinese culture is constantly enhanced.
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在印度洋马达加斯加岛、斯里兰卡岛附近的海域里,生活着一种非常凶猛的鱼类——大牙潜鱼。  大牙潜鱼的身长只有20厘米左右,体表也没有鳞片,但是它的优势是拥有一对倒勾形的大牙,任何鱼被它咬中都无法逃脱,因为猎物越是挣扎,它那对倒勾形的大牙就会扎得越深,连鲨鱼遇上它都可能难逃一死。  然而就是这种所向无敌的海洋霸主,在岛上的渔民眼里,却是最容易钓的一种鱼。只需要把一小块它最喜欢吃的鱼肉或鸡肉牢牢绑在鱼线
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时间的车轮永不停歇,碾过一世世没落与繁华,碾过一幕幕悲喜,碾过花开花落、流水潺潺……你若拿生命去和时间赛跑,你注定失败;你若拿时间来经营生命,你注定成功。 The wheels
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