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为了查清川西某铜矿勘查区内的铜矿资源量,给区内进一步勘查提供线索,同时为山地工程布设提供依据,在矿区开展了X荧光与幅频激电法测量,控制了矿区内矿体的延伸方向、位置与长度。工作结果表明,X荧光与幅频激电法联袂勘查铜矿(化)体具有探测能力强、效率高、易于施工的优点,可以推广到其他铜矿床的定位预测研究中。 In order to find out the amount of copper resources in a copper mine exploration area in western Sichuan, provide clues for further exploration in the area and provide the basis for the mountain engineering layout. X-ray fluorescence and amplitude-frequency electrokinetic measurements were carried out in the mine area, Ore extension direction, location and length. The results show that the X-ray fluorescence and amplitude-frequency method jointly exploration of copper (chemical) body has the advantages of strong detection, high efficiency, easy construction, can be extended to other copper deposit location prediction research.
Background. In patients with gastric outlet obstruction (GOO), palliative enteral stenting is a less invasive procedure compared with gastroenterostomy. Most di
本文将对高职院校学生管理工作中的问题和矛盾进行分析,并根据实际情况,在以人为本理念的前提下,对高职院校学生管理工作进行改革和创新,顺应高职院校发展要求。 This artic
Objective To examine the differentially expressed invasion-related genes in two anchorage-independent uterine cervical carcinoma cell lines derived from the sam
从社会上关于梅艳芳的传闻和流言开始:她13岁初恋,19岁就被传有私生女;一夜成名之后,金钱和是非接踵而来,既文身,又吸毒;情路上屡败屡战,男友多,情人多,走马灯似地换,还热衷“姐弟恋”;夜夜笙歌的生活,为她惹了不少麻烦……  喜欢戴水晶手链的梅艳芳,身材瘦削,双手至少戴了十串手链,人们议论说她撞了邪,患了重病,好友一再公开为她澄清,但传闻愈传愈盛。面对社会上不尽的传言,她选择了公开病情,披露真相。
We describe a child with a solitary dendritic cell (DC) tumor positive for S- 100 protein,CD1a, andHLA- DRwith the clinical and histopathologic features of a so
We studied the dynamic fracture mechanical behavior of rock under different impact rates. The fracture experiment was a three-point bending beam subjected to di
The Microbial Prospecting of Oil and Gas(MPOG) is applied to the matured development area in the Satellite Oilfield in Daqing for the first time. And with the M