
来源 :温州市人民政府公报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zfbandfsy
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温政办[2011]14号各县(市、区)人民政府,市政府直属各单位:为进一步贯彻落实市委、市政府关于服务“三农”工作的有关要求,扎实推进农村民主法治建设,建立健全新农村建设的法律服务体系,顺利推进农村的改革与发展,市人民政府决定,在“十二五”期间,全面建立农村法律顾问制度。现将有关事项通知如下:一、工作目标紧紧围绕建设社会主义新农村工作大局,充分履行司法行政工作职能,积极发挥律师、公证 Wen Zheng Ban [2011] No. 14 Each county (city, district) people’s government and municipal government directly under the units: In order to further implement the municipal government on the service “agriculture, rural areas and rural areas ” work of the relevant requirements, solid rural democracy and rule of law Establish and improve a legal service system for building a new socialist countryside and smoothly promote the reform and development in the rural areas. The Municipal People’s Government decided that during the “Twelfth Five-year Plan” period, the system of rural legal consultants should be fully established. The relevant matters are hereby notified as follows: I. Objectives The work centering on the overall situation of the work of building a new socialist countryside, fully performing the functions of the administration of justice, giving full play to lawyers and notaries
The accessibility of a destination-based transportation system is defined to quantify the perform- ance of transportation systems which access a distinct destin
中国政府计划到2010年将投入4万亿元刺激内需,其中约有半数资金会投入基础建设中,LED路灯设置是重点之一。 The Chinese government plans to invest 4 trillion yuan in st