
来源 :华北民兵 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shuang901014
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党的十七大作出了全面建设社会主义新农村的重大战略部署,我们军分区及人武部门应充分认清其重大而深远的意义,切实发挥民兵、预备役部队的积极作用,为促进社会主义新农村建设作出应有的贡献。立足当地经济实际,组织民兵预备役人员担当建设社会主义新农村的带头人。作为身处农村生产第一线的民兵预备役人员,应发挥有组织、有活力和突击力强的优势,争做新农村建设的领头雁。要为“生产发展、生活宽裕”带头干事创业。我们把民兵预备役人员作为农村群体的骨干和中坚力量,积极发动民兵预备役人员开展“民兵科技示范园”、民兵产业结构调整示范点、民兵规模化经营典型村建设活动,为培养致富能手和乡村新型科技人才闯出新路子。为“乡风文明”带头联系群众,为民排忧解难。我们组织民兵预备役 The 17th National Congress of the CPC has made a major strategic plan for building a new socialist countryside in an all-round way. Our military subdivision and armed forces departments should fully recognize their great and far-reaching significance, earnestly give play to the positive role of militia and reserve forces, and promote socialism New rural construction to make its due contribution. Based on the local economic reality, the militia and reserve personnel are organized to take the lead in building a new socialist countryside. As a reserve militiaman who is at the forefront of rural production, he should play an active, organized and energetic superiority and strive to be the leading wild goose in the new countryside construction. For the “production development, well-off life,” take the lead business. We regard the militia and reserve forces personnel as the backbone and backbone of the rural groups and actively launch militia and reserve forces to carry out the “militia demonstration park”, the demonstration site for the adjustment of the militia’s industrial structure, and the militia’s typical large-scale village construction activities, New rural scientific and technological talents break new path. In order to “rural civilization” take the lead in contacting the masses and solve problems for the people. We organize militia reserve
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