吉林大学口腔医院努力完成信息化重点建设工程 建立医疗服务和行政管理信息保障

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王迪,吉林大学口腔医院信息中心主任,副研究员,中共党员,硕士学历,1992年毕业于吉林工业大学计算机应用专业,2013年从事信息化工作。曾在《中国实用内科》、《中国保健营养》等刊物发表多篇医院信息化相关的论文,组织参与吉林大学口腔医院智慧医院三期项目、便民安全服务平台项目、信息系统安全等级保护项目建设。曾被评为全省卫生系统行业作风建设先进工作者。吉林大学口腔医院是国家教育部所属、国家卫生和计划生育委员会直管的一所专科口腔医院,是吉林省及邻近地区口腔医学教育、科研和口腔疾病防治中心。医院现为中华口腔医学会常务理事单位、中华口腔医师协会副会长单位、吉林省口腔医 Wang Di, Director of Information Center, Stomatological Hospital of Jilin University, Associate Professor, Member of Communist Party of China, Master’s degree. He graduated from Jilin University of Technology in Computer Application in 1992 and engaged in informationization in 2013. He has published numerous papers on hospital informatization in publications such as “Practical Chinese Medicine” and “Chinese Health Nutrition”, and has participated in the construction of the Phase III project of the wisdom hospital of Jilin University Stomatology Hospital, the convenient security service platform project and the information system security level protection project . Has been rated as the province’s health system industry advanced style worker. The Stomatological Hospital of Jilin University is a specialist oral hospital owned by the State Ministry of Education and under the direct supervision of the State Health and Family Planning Commission. It is also the center of stomatology education, scientific research and oral disease prevention and treatment in Jilin Province and its neighboring areas. The hospital is now the executive director of the Chinese Stomatological Association unit, the vice president of the Chinese Association of Stomatological units, Jilin Stomatology
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