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最近,财政部工业交通财务司、会计事务管理司在河北省涿州市共同召开了全国中央工交企业财务决算工作会议,来自三十六个中央主管部门和财政部派驻三十个省、自治区、直辖市中央企业驻厂员处的一百五十多名代表参加了会议。会议主要议题是布置、讲解和讨论一九八八年中央工交企业财务决算报表:总结表彰一九八七年财务决算编报先进单位。工交司负责人费一平同志在会上作了讲话:第一,要求中央各主管部门和中企处的财务工作者;积极响应党的十三届三中全会的号召,把治理经济环境、整顿经济 Recently, the Ministry of Finance, Industry, Transportation and Finance Division and the Accounting Affairs Management Division jointly held the work conference on financial final accounts of the national central work-making enterprises in Zhuozhou City, Hebei Province. Thirty-six central competent departments and the Ministry of Finance were stationed in thirty provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government More than 150 representatives of the central enterprises stationed at the factory attended the meeting. The main topics of the meeting were to arrange, explain and discuss the final accounts of the financial statements of the Central Working Union of the People’s Republic of China in 1988: To summarize and commend the advanced units for compiling the financial statements in 1987. Comrade Fei Yiping, head of the SEC made a speech at the meeting. First, he demanded that the central authorities and the financial workers at the Central Bureau of Enterprise should actively respond to the call of the Third Plenary Session of the 13th CPC Central Committee to control the economic environment and rectify economic
介绍了带压角度开孔的特点、技术要求及开孔过程。 The characteristics, technical requirements and opening process with pressure angle hole are introduced.
文章结合工程实例,围绕转换层施工主要注意的几大要点进行论述,其施工方案可供同类施工参考。 This article discusses several major points around the conversion layer
文章结合施工实践,对溶洞地区桥梁桩基遇到溶洞的施工技术进行了介绍,对类似工程有参考意义。 Combined with the construction practice, the article introduces the cons
出动,扫雷“特种”部队   清晨,在莫桑比克北部高原的林地,一只精神抖擞的小老鼠正在紧张地“工作”着。它被拴在一根用于控制的细绳上,对自己所在的区域进行着细致的嗅探。   它不断地抽动着尖尖的长鼻子,时而直起身,在空气中搜索着危险的味道;时而贴近土壤,仔细地嗅探着地雷的所在。这只小老鼠,正是非洲扫雷“特种”部队的一员。  在莫桑比克和坦桑尼亚等非洲国家,由于战乱,许多地区都遗留有未曾处理掉