我们于1983年对山东临沂、日照、苍山、莒县、莒南、诸城六个县住麻风村病人的口腔及颌面部情况进行了调查,现报告如下: 一、调查对象和方法 (一)对象: 在六个麻风村110例病人中,男95例,女15例,其中瘤型(L型)95例,结核样型(T型)11例,界线类(B型)4例,无未定类及正患麻风反应者。年龄最高78岁,最低20岁,病程最长39年,最短2年,入麻风村治疗最长25年,最短1年。
We investigated the oral cavity and maxillofacial region of patients who lived in Lefeng Village in six counties of Linyi, Rizhao, Cangshan, Juxian, Taonan, and Zhucheng in Shandong Province in 1983 and are reported as follows: 1. Subjects and Methods (I) PARTICIPANTS: Ninety-five males and 15 females were enrolled in 110 patients in six leprosy villages, including 95 cases of L type, 11 cases of TB type and 4 cases of B type. Undecided and are suffering from leprosy responders. The oldest is 78 years old, the lowest is 20 years old, the longest course of disease is 39 years, the shortest 2 years, the treatment of leprosy village is the longest 25 years, the shortest one year.