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不信息化的企业是缺乏竞争力的不信息化的国家是欠发达的我们仅尽自己微薄之力,汇集过去一年我国各行各业信息化建设的成就,借此向工作在我国信息化建设第一线的人们致敬。从工厂到农村,从企业到个人,从经济到文化,从台前到幕后,从外资到民间……本报一直在捕捉信息化在中国的脉动轨迹,也正在找寻 IT 应用所能带来最佳效果的“不二法门”,也不断思索新的世纪的技术趋势和人文关怀,“一桥飞架南北,天堑变通途”这座桥梁已经 e 化成了美丽的“万有引力之虹”。这也是我们在新年还“盘点”的孤心苦诣。这也是我们努力免于流俗的真诚奉献。6种行业的应用调查,9大部门的现状比较,15个详细图表,29个精美版面,让我们共同静心聆听那阙新“e 音乐会”。经过了茫然失措和甚嚣尘上之后,IT 已经把一切席卷 The enterprises that do not have information are those that are not informative because of their lack of competitiveness. We are only making our own modest efforts to bring together the achievements of informatization in all walks of life in our country in the past year. By doing so, The first line of people pay tribute. From factories to rural areas, from enterprises to individuals, from economy to culture, from the front to the backstage, from foreign capital to the private sector ... The newspaper has been capturing the pulse of informatization in China and is looking for the best IT applications can bring “The only way to achieve good results” is to constantly think about the technological trends and humanistic concern in the new century. The bridge “a bridge flying from north to south and natural moat changing thoroughfares” has become a beautiful “rainbow of gravitation.” This is also the lonely heart that we also “inventoried” on the New Year. This is also our sincere dedication to saving ourselves from the commonplace. Application survey of 6 kinds of industries, comparison of current situation of 9 major departments, 15 detailed charts and 29 exquisite layouts, let us meditate to listen to that new “e concert”. After a loss and rampant, IT has swept through everything
3.15真是一场“情景喜剧”。原本不在同一阵营、道路以目的 B2C 和C2C,如今面临着网上3.15这个共同的、谁也躲不过的日子,竟然同仇敌忾,走到一起来了。不管是网上购物,还是竞
为提高中学数学试卷讲评课的有效性,应从中学数学试卷讲评课的课前准备、课堂实施和课后巩固三个环节提出具体的操作策略与处理方法,以期达到试卷讲评课的高效益。 In order
Carbon fibers(CFs) were coated with a nickel-phosphorus(Ni-P) film using an electroless plating process. The morphology, elemental composition and phases in the
我院自1992年以来采用脑脊液置换术治疗蛛网膜下腔出血34例,效果良好,现报告如下。 资料与方法 1 病例选择 治疗组34例,男21例,女13例,年龄28~66岁,平均49岁。对18例作CT检查