
来源 :中国农药 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wamaim
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我国农药行业走过了快速增长的10年,产量、主营业务收入年均增速都在20%左右。今年是实现“十二五”规划的关键之年,今年农药产量的增速放缓,主营业务收入仍保持较快增长。根据国家统计局统计,1~8月,我国农药产量的增幅只有1.6%,而主营业务收入增幅达到18.5%,利润更是增长了40.5%,显示出调结构、转方式初显成效。从今年的百强榜中我们也看到大企业的实力在不断增强,其中排名前两位的企业还进入了全球20强之列。然而我们与世界前六,甚至非专利巨头马克西姆阿甘和富美实等等相比仍有不小的差距。企业规模相对较小,品牌、渠道建设相对滞后。农药行业主要的经营手段是围绕产品的价格竞争,价格竞争给行业和企业带来了发展,同时也带来了一定的负面影响。目前农药工业正面临着一场大整合,风险与机遇并存,我们需要转变固有的老旧思维,注入新的发展理念,实现产业转型。要由产品战略向产业链战略转型,不断向产业链的上下游延伸,围绕技术和市场寻求产业的本质,实现价值提升。此时农药企业该如何适时调整发展战略,顺应农药工业的发展趋势?企业的发展方式又该怎样转变,从而寻求新的盈利增长模式和商业模式?如何在低迷的市场中寻找转型期的源动力、保持企业持续发展的竞争力?企业对管理层有哪些期望以及需要的政策扶持?等等。本届高峰论坛,我们有幸请到国内几位农药销售百强的企业决策者和行业资深分析师现身会场,分享他们的经验和看法。 China’s pesticide industry has gone through 10 years of rapid growth, output, main business revenue average annual growth rate of about 20%. This year is the key year to realize the “Twelfth Five-Year Plan”. The growth of pesticide output will slow down this year and the revenue from main operations will maintain a rapid growth. According to the statistics of the National Bureau of Statistics, from January to August, the increase of pesticide production in China was only 1.6%, while that of main business increased by 18.5% and the profit increased by 40.5%. From this year’s list of top 100 we also see the growing strength of large enterprises, of which the top two companies have also entered the top 20 in the world. However, we still have a long way to go before the world’s top six or even non-patent giants such as Maxim Agpham and Fu Mei Shi etc. Relatively small size of the enterprise, brand, channel construction lags behind. The main business method of pesticide industry is to focus on the price competition of products. The price competition has brought the development to the industry and the enterprise, meanwhile, it also brings some negative effects. At present, the pesticide industry is facing a major integration with coexistence of risks and opportunities. We need to change the inherent old thinking and inject new ideas in development so as to achieve industrial restructuring. From the product strategy to the industrial chain strategic transformation, continue to extend the upstream and downstream of the industrial chain, focusing on technology and the market to seek the nature of the industry, to achieve value. At this point, how to adjust the development strategy of pesticide enterprises timely, to adapt to the development trend of pesticide industry? How to change the way of development of enterprises in order to seek new profit growth mode and business model? How to find the source of power in the sluggish market in transition , Maintain the sustainable development of enterprises competitiveness? What business management expectations and the need for policy support ?, and so on. At this summit forum, we were fortunate to invite several decision makers and senior industry analysts who came from top 100 Chinese pesticide salespersons to come and share their experiences and opinions.