
来源 :农村电工 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jiabhh
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甘肃省徽县东关乡农电站始建于1990年。多年来,他们以提高经济效益为中心,狠抓安全生产,认真开展优质服务,完善经营管理,做出了显著成绩。1抓营业用电管理,提高经济效益 农电站成立后,针对电价管理乱、线损居高不下、安全基础差、偷漏电严重等问题,在县电力局的行业指导下,首先从治理农村用电秩序入手,大抓降损节能,开展反窃电,实行分表集中管理,推广一户一表的管理制度,逐步实现了由松散的村电工管理到农电站统一管理的体制,减少村电工10多名。由于管理得法,措施过硬,东关乡农电站的低压线损率由原来的40%以上,降为现在的12%以下。农村电价趋于稳定,全乡统一执行农村分类综合电价。年售电量由建站初期的20万千瓦·时,达到现在的48万千瓦·时,比原来翻了一番。1993年建造综合楼6间,固定资产4万元,现结余管理费3.5万元。 The Dongguan Rural Power Station in Hui County, Gansu Province was established in 1990. Over the years, they have made significant achievements by focusing on improving economic efficiency, paying close attention to safe production, earnestly developing quality services, and improving business management. 1 Grasping management of electricity use for business and improving economic efficiency After the establishment of the agricultural power station, the management of electricity tariffs, high line losses, poor safety infrastructure, and serious electricity leakage have led to the management of rural areas under the guidance of the County Electric Power Bureau. Starting from the use of electricity, major reductions in energy consumption, anti-electricity theft, centralized management of sub-tables, promotion of a household-for-one management system, and gradual realization of the system of loose village electrician management to unified management of agricultural power stations, reducing Village electrician more than 10. Due to effective management and effective measures, the low-voltage line loss rate of the Dongguan Township agricultural power station has been reduced from the original 40% to less than the current 12%. The rural electricity price tends to be stable, and the whole township implements the rural comprehensive electricity price. The annual electricity sales amounted to 200,000 kilowatt-hours in the early stage of the establishment of the station, which is now 480,000 kilowatt-hours, which is twice as many as before. In 1993, 6 comprehensive buildings were constructed, with fixed assets of 40,000 yuan, and the balance management fee of 35,000 yuan.
据5月份全国重点70家水泥厂、23家平板玻璃厂的统计: 水泥 本月完成产量522.41万t,同比增长13.93%。累计产量2150.36万t。同比增长8.40%。本月共销售水泥507.50万t,同比增长9.
1998年新年伊始,本刊记者就“开发能力提高战役”的有关问题采访了战役办公室主任依英奇同志,此次刊登的内容是依主任就如何正确理解战役目标发表的看法。 At the beginning o