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妇幼卫生工作,在解放前是得不到重視的,婴儿死亡率达200%,产妇死亡率約13%,对工厂女工根本談不到有任何照顾。解放后,妇女卫生工作有了很大的发展。据1957年底統計,全国已有妇幼保健所、站4,599个,比解放前增长了510倍。据1957年底23个省、自治区的统计,新法接生已达60.7%;在大城市已达95%以上。湖北省来风县,是山高人稀的地区,現新法接生已达96.3%,这一比例在解放前就連大城市也是望尘莫及的。以北京为例,婴儿死亡率已由1949年的117.6%下降到1957年的35.4%;产妇死亡率已由1949的7%下降到1957年的0.3%。从事工农业生产的劳动妇女,国家已按照她們的生理特点給予适当照顾,例如在厂矿企业对有碍妇女生育机能的繁重工作,禁止使用女工.在一般生产中对有孕妇女則給予减輕工作或調換工作的照顾。又如对从事农业劳动的妇女,亦給予了許多照了,并在农村大批组织了农忙托儿所, Maternal and child health work was not given due attention before the liberation. The infant mortality rate reached 200% and the maternal mortality rate was about 13%. There was absolutely no care for factory women workers. After the liberation, great progress has been made in women’s health work. According to statistics by the end of 1957, there were 4,599 maternal and child health centers nationwide, an increase of 510 times over the period before liberation. According to the statistics of 23 provinces and autonomous regions at the end of 1957, the birth rate of the new law has reached 60.7%; in the big cities, it has reached more than 95%. Lai Feng County, Hubei Province, is a high-sparsely populated area. Now 96.3% of new births have been delivered, even before the liberation, even in big cities. In Beijing, for example, the infant mortality rate has dropped from 117.6% in 1949 to 35.4% in 1957; the maternal mortality rate has dropped from 7% in 1949 to 0.3% in 1957. The working women who are engaged in industrial and agricultural production have given due care to their physiological characteristics, for example, the heavy work at factories and mines that impede the reproductive functions of women, the prohibition of the use of female workers, and the relief of pregnant women in general production Or change jobs to take care of. In the meantime, a large number of photos have been given to women engaged in agricultural work. A large number of busy nurseries have been organized in rural areas.
目的 通过对太原市200例非综合征型耳聋患者常见基因GJB2、GJB3、SLC26A4和线粒体DNA 12S rRNA 4个基因20个位点的检测分析,研究该地区耳聋基因的突变情况及热点突变位点,为
随着高性能战斗机大量装备于部队,必须对现有歼击机飞行员进行医学选拔,确保飞行员能够高标准、高质量地完成高性能战斗机的飞行训练和实战训练。 1 高性能战斗机的飞行特点
目的研究泸州地区儿童染色体的核型。总结分析我院1220例儿童染色体结果及异常病例经治途径,以提高对先天遗传缺陷疾病的诊断率。方法 1220例数据来自四川医科大学附属第一医