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由中科院沈阳计算机研究所与鞍山合成(集团)股份有限公司合作研制开发的长丝车间微机集散式控制系统,日前在鞍山通过了中科院沈阳分院和鞍山市科委联合主持的成果鉴定。长丝车间微机集散式控制系统,由工业控制机(IPC)、单回路调节器(SLC)、可编程控制器(PLC)和计算机网络构成集散式控制系统,由于将其控制功能分散到每个回路,使危险降到最低程度,因此系统的可靠性大大提高。该系统由车间级上位管理机子系统、长丝称重子系统和长丝温控子系统3个部分组成。在称重子系统中成功地解决了响应硬件实时中断的难题,在温控子系统中开发了组态软件,为用户修改和生成新的控制系统提供了方便,尤其是微机测量动态称重技术的实现,在国内尚属首创。 Microcomputer distributed control system of filament workshop developed by CAS Institute of Computer Science and Anshan Synthetic (Group) Co., Ltd. recently passed the appraisal of results co-chaired by Shenyang Branch of Chinese Academy of Sciences and Anshan Science and Technology Commission in Anshan. The microcomputer control system of the filament workshop consists of industrial control machine (IPC), single loop regulator (SLC), programmable logic controller (PLC) and computer network to form a distributed control system. Due to its control function is distributed to each Circuit, to minimize the danger, so the reliability of the system greatly improved. The system consists of workshop-level supervisory machine subsystem, filament weighing subsystem and filament temperature control subsystem composed of three parts. In the weighing subsystem successfully solved the real-time interrupt in response to hardware problems, the temperature control subsystem developed in the configuration software for the user to modify and generate a new control system provides a convenient, especially the computer to measure the dynamic weighing technology Achieve, is still the first in China.
针对该所阻波器厂生产的XZK-2500-1.0/63型线路阻波器温升试验有功损耗测量时出现的有功损耗误差偏大的现象,分析了有功损耗测量中存在的问题,并从理论上阐述了各种有功损耗测量方法。 Aiming