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生命如玉早晨,我常常凝神迎接那一轮红彤彤的神圣,那一轮不朽的人类的崇拜。看她冉冉从地平线升到历史的高度。心灵的向往,是我得到了一轮生命的太阳——数千年我们先民用血汗和智慧雕刻的古璧。握璧在掌,一个伟大民族文化的灿烂在心头放射出奇彩。她那么温润,如脂如膏,在心灵上有一种难以名状的温存;她那么坚硬,所有的利刃都 Life is like jade morning, I often diligently greet that round of the glorious holy, that an immortal human worship. Look at her slowly rising from the horizon to the height of history. The longing for the soul is the sun to which I have had the one life - the ancient wall that our ancestors carved thousands of years with blood, sweat, and wisdom. Hold the wall in the palm of your hand, a brilliant brilliant national culture in my heart radiating a strange color. She is so moist, as fat as cream, in the soul there is an indescribable temperature; she is so hard, all the cutting edge are
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如皋市交通学会围绕提高交通工程质量 ,积极组织科技人员投入工程质量宣传和科研攻关活动 ,取得显著成效。这个学会主动配合交通局开展了“交通工程质量宣传月”系列活动 ,通
This paper is focused on developing a tracking controller for a hypersonic cruise vehicle using tangent linearization approach.The design of flight control syst
阐明目前我国电力市场现状,提出电力商品营销存在的主要问题,讨论在市场经济条件下的电力营销策略。 To clarify the current situation of China's electricity market, pu
“经济萧条下,德士风公司却逆流而上,打响进攻战役,加快扩张的步伐。引入全新的商业模式,成为打赢这场战争的有力武器。” “In a recession, the German-made wind company
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