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一、目前羣眾運動情況的特點和我們的指導方針一、最近時期,減租退押運動,已獲得了很大成績,主要的是:全省範圍進行了嚴厲的鎮壓反革命活動,懲辦了一批萬惡的反革命分子,大大地打擊了反革命的氣焰,提高了羣眾的革命情緒和鬥爭勇氣。結合鎮壓反革命,在約二百萬人口的地區開始展開了減租退押運動。這一運動的規模是宏大的,氣勢是猛烈的,在運動中,農民擭得了約折合一億斤米的果實,這樣就從政治上、經濟上嚴重地打擊了地主階級,就大有助於春荒的解決,同時也提高了羣眾的生產情緒。在鎮壓反革命與減租退押運動的影響與推動下,在全省範圍內出現了一個羣眾革命的新高潮,廣大農民羣眾要求清匪、反霸、減租、退押,要求組織起末,進行鬥爭,要求我們加以領導,有些則自動起來捉匪捉霸,長期逍遙法外的匪首、慣匪,被羣眾捉到了不少。另一方面,地主階級內 I. Characteristics of the Current Situation of the Mass Movement and Our Guidelines 1. In the recent period, the movement toward rent reduction and remission has gained great achievements. The main ones are: the province has conducted a series of crackdowns on counterrevolutionary activities and punished one Criticizing the evil anti-revolutionary elements has greatly dealt a blow to the arrogance of the counterrevolutionary revolution and raised the revolutionary revolutionary courage of the masses. In combination with the suppression of counter-revolution, the campaign of rent reduction and remission was started in the area of ​​about 2 million people. The scale of this movement is magnificent and the momentum is fierce. During the campaign, peasants won about 100 million kg of rice, which has greatly helped the landlord class politically and economically. Spring shortage solution, but also improve the production mood of the masses. Under the influence and suppression of the crackdown on counterrevolutionaries and the movement toward rent reduction and remand, a new upsurge of mass revolution appeared throughout the province. The vast number of peasants demanded that the Qinghai Bandits, the hegemonists, the rent reduction and the detention be rescinded, , We must take the lead in our struggle. Some of us automatically bring up robbers to arrest tyrants, those bandit leaders who have long enjoyed impunity, and those who use them are caught by the masses. On the other hand, the landlord class
为研究人类白细胞抗原(HLA)和人免疫缺陷病毒(HIV)易感性的关系,本文分析比较了以下三组人群的HLA表型频率和单倍型频率:①172例正常人;②17例血清HIV阴性高危人群;③180例血清HIV阳性患者,其中21例发展为艾滋病(AIDS),37例6个月内CD4+淋巴细胞降低至少20%(CD4 decline)。在172例对照和180例血清HIV阳性受试者的比较中发现,其HLA表型频率和单倍型频率
随着人体的衰老,体内脂肪的比例渐增多,非脂肪组织特别是肌肉量(lean body mass,LBM)及骨量(bone mass,BM)都渐趋下降.这些变化可能与活动减少及(或)碳水化合物摄入增加有一
(一)概述: 自盧漠將軍起义後,我區所屬各縣亦相繼解放,由於地下工作影响及上級的正確领導,和广大人民熱烈支持與全體幹部的努力,雖在四、五月份匪特叛亂舆破壞,但近年來作了
諸位委員,諸位同志: 自從中央人民政府成立到現在,時間過了八個月。在這個時期中,政務院和財政經濟委員會在財政經濟方面做了一些工作。其中有幾項是有關整個國家和廣大人民