Example 1, male, 14 years old, was injured by thunder and lightning during class in the classroom on June 23, 1992, and unconsciously collapsed for about 5 minutes. After feeling awake, headache, tinnitus, sore eyes and tears, 4 hours later to our hospital for treatment. Physical examination: heart rate 100 beats / min, ST elevation electrocardiogram, cranial CT scan normal right eye vision 0.4, left eye 0.12.Eyelid skin redness and swelling, spasms, conjunctival congestion and edema. Transverse ribbon cloudy, epithelial spots, flaky exfoliated stroma edema, fluorescein ribbon-shaped staining. Room flash (+), the pupil diameter of about 3mm, slow light reflex .Crystal fundus failed to find out. Treatment: 1% atropine mydriasis, coated with antibiotics and Sucozote cream, oral vitamin drugs, etc. Day 2 Heart rate 66