金融改革创新东风劲吹 泉州:投资乐土 携手双赢

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泉州,古时即为海上丝绸之路的起点,素有“中国品牌之都”、“民营特区”之称。作为海峡西岸经济区五大中心城市之一,泉州的经济总量连续14年居福建省首位。如今,成为国家级三大金融综合改革试验区之一的泉州,越来越吸引更多的投资者来此兴业,其中自然也少不了乡土情结浓厚的泉州侨商自2012年福建省金改办宣布《福建省泉州市金融服务实体经济综合改革试验区总体方案》获国务院批准通过,泉州成为继温州金融综合改革试验区、珠三角金融改革创新综合试验区之后的第三个国家级金融综合改革试验区,一时大热。有研究人士指出,“金改”方案的通过,标志着素有“民办特区”之称的中国民营经济重镇泉州,将迎来实体经济转型升级的最大政策红利。而作为著名侨乡和侨商聚集地,此次“金改”政策也将惠及在泉州投资的侨商们;而侨商作为当地经济发展的主要参与者。 Quanzhou, the ancient Silk Road is the starting point for the sea, known as “China’s brand capital ”, “private SAR ” said. As one of the five major centers in the Economic Zone on the Western Coast of the Taiwan Straits, Quanzhou’s economy ranks the first in Fujian Province for 14 consecutive years. Nowadays, Quanzhou, one of the three national pilot areas for comprehensive financial reform, is attracting more and more investors to come to this industry. Naturally, Quanzhou Overseas Chinese Merchants have announced since the 2012 Fujian Province Gold and Reform Commission “Quanzhou City, Fujian Province, the overall program of financial services for the comprehensive reform of the pilot zone economy,” approved by the State Council, Quanzhou became the Wenzhou comprehensive financial reform pilot area, the Pearl River Delta financial reform and innovation comprehensive pilot area after the third national comprehensive financial reform test District, temporary hot. Some researchers pointed out that the adoption of the “gold reform” program marks the largest policy dividend for the transformation and upgrading of the real economy in Quanzhou, a privately-owned economic center known as “the privately-owned SAR.” As a famous hometown of overseas Chinese and overseas Chinese, the “gold reform” policy will also benefit overseas Chinese businessmen who invest in Quanzhou. Overseas Chinese businessmen, as the main participants in the local economic development,
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为了研究事故容错燃料包壳表面的液滴Leidenfrost现象,本研究采用高速相机对液滴与事故容错燃料包壳SiC和FeCrAl的碰撞行为进行可视化观测,并与常规包壳材料Zr-4对比.结果 表
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