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我国新《环境保护法》于2015年1月1日正式实施,本法新设了“信息公开和公众参与”一章,对环境信息公开的主体、内容以及环境信息公开救济途径等做了相应的规定。新环保法与之前的环境保护法律规范比较,有了许多新的突破:在实体权利方面,赋予了公民、法人和其他组织环境知情权、参与权以及监督权;在环境信息公开主体范围上,增加了“其他负有环境保护监督管理职责的部门”这一主体;在环境信息公开内容上,特别强调了重点排污单位的环境信息公开义务;在环境信息公开救济途径上,则赋予了特定的社会组织提起公益诉讼的权利。我们在赞扬新环保法中新创举的同时,也应当认清我们国家现行环保法存在的不足或是不合理之处。研究、实践环境信息公开制度的基础就是界定环境信息的概念,但是我们的新环保法却没有对环境信息给出一个定义,这样既不利于新环保法的实施,也不利于学者们对环境信息公开制度的研究;虽然新环保法扩大了环境信息公开的主体范围,但是其主体范围仅限于“县级以上”人民政府环境保护主管部门和其他负有环境保护监督管理职责的部门,主体还是过于窄小;并且对于公益诉讼的规定,内容过于简单,很可能导致实践操作难以进行。 The new “Environmental Protection Law” of our country was formally implemented on January 1, 2015. This Law sets up a new chapter on “Information Disclosure and Public Participation”, which provides the main body and content of environmental information disclosure and the ways of public relief of environmental information The corresponding provisions. Compared with the previous laws and regulations on environmental protection, there are many new breakthroughs in the new environmental protection law: in the aspect of substantive rights, environmental rights of information, participation and supervision are given to citizens, legal persons and other organizations; in the scope of the main body of environmental information disclosure, Added “other departments that have the responsibility of supervision and administration of environmental protection”; in the disclosure of environmental information, the obligation of disclosure of environmental information of key pollutant discharging units was especially emphasized; and in the way of environmental information disclosure relief, Specific social organizations filed public interest litigation rights. While praising the new pioneering work in the new environmental protection law, we should also recognize the shortcomings or unreasonableness of the current environmental protection law in our country. The basis of studying and practicing the system of environmental information disclosure is to define the concept of environmental information, but our new environmental protection law does not give a definition of environmental information, which is not conducive to the implementation of the new environmental protection law, but also not conducive to scholars on environmental information Although the new Environmental Protection Law expands the scope of the main body of environmental information disclosure, its main scope is limited to environmental protection departments of people’s governments above the county level and other departments that have the responsibility of environmental protection supervision and management. The main body Or too narrow; and for the public interest litigation provisions, the content is too simple, it is likely to result in difficult to practice.
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