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在最近召开的传达市地委书记、市长、专员会议精神大会上,有科委主任许广先同志结合科委机关和科技工作实际,提出改进作风,狠抓落实,要在“五个”方面狠下功夫: 一是要在“两个结合”、“两个深入”、“两个精简”上狠下功夫。要真正树立务实的工作作风,讲实话、鼓实劲,办实事、求实效、切实做到领导和群众相结合,一般和个别相结合,深入实际,深入基层,精简会议,精简文件,今年,委领导要按分工每人管好一条线,联系好一个县,抓好一个示范点;机关各处室也要在基层建立一个联系点,并明确联系工作的内容和下去调研,蹲点的时间要求。要切实通过深入实际,深入调查研究分析和总结经验,抓住关键,抓住重点,以点带面,指导全局。同时规定,今后凡是以 At the recent spirit meeting convened by the secretary of the municipal party committee, the mayor and the commissioner, Comrade Xu Guangxian, director of the Science and Technology Commission, proposed improving the style of work in accordance with the actual situation of scientific and technological authorities and scientific and technological work, Work hard: First, we must make great efforts in the “two combinations”, “two in-depth” and “two reductions.” We must truly establish a pragmatic style of work, tell the truth, drum up hard work, do practical work, and seek truth from facts. We should effectively integrate leadership and the general public, combine general and individual issues, deepen our work in depth, at the grass roots level, streamline meetings and streamline documents. This year, The leaders of the Party committees should manage each line according to the division of labor, contact a county well and do a good job of demonstrating a certain point. The departments and offices of the organs should also establish a contact point at the grassroots level and make clear the contents of the contact work and time requirements for further investigation and prolongation . We must earnestly study and analyze and summarize our experience through in-depth study, grasp the key points, grasp the key points, point to the surface and guide the overall situation. At the same time, all the future
·政策与管理· (期·页 )创新 ,矿业企业发展的灵魂———紫金山金矿 :一个成功创新的范例 陈景河  (3 1)……………………………………采矿权制度概述 李柏林 李英龙 
This paper studies representation of rigid combination of a directed line and a reference point on it(here referred to as a “point-line”) using dual quaternio