
来源 :石油政工研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cocksun
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“5·12”四川汶川大地震发生后,集团公司党组、集团公司积极贯彻党中央、国务院的部署,把抗震救灾作为当前的首要任务,迅速启动应急预案,成立抗震救灾领导小组。集团公司党组书记、总经理、抗震救灾领导小组组长蒋洁敏亲赴灾区一线,总部和各企业迅速落实党组部署,组织百万石油员工投身抗震救灾工作。集团公司集中力量,全力以赴搜救失踪人员,抢修各类设施,从各地紧急调运成品油到灾区,确保抗震救灾需要。“中国石油抗震救灾油品供应突击队”冒着危险,及时运送成品油。集团公司选派管道抢险维修队伍,及时抢修天然气管道。医疗单位紧急救治受伤人员。对受影响关停的气井、炼化装置、油品管道采取措施,尽快恢复生 After the devastating Wenchuan earthquake in Sichuan, the party groups and group companies of the Group Company actively implemented the arrangements made by the Party Central Committee and the State Council, took the earthquake relief work as their top priority and promptly started the contingency plan and set up the leading group for earthquake relief. Party Secretary and General Manager of the Company and Jiang Jiemin, head of the leading group for earthquake relief and disaster relief, went to the front line of the disaster area. Headquarters and various enterprises quickly implemented the deployment of party groups and organized 1 million oil workers to join the earthquake relief work. Group companies concentrate, go all out to search and rescue missing persons, repair all kinds of facilities, from all over the emergency transport of refined oil to the disaster area to ensure that the earthquake relief needs. “China Petroleum earthquake relief oil supply commandos ” risked, timely delivery of refined oil. Group companies selected pipeline emergency maintenance team, timely repair of natural gas pipelines. Emergency medical unit to treat the injured. Shut down the affected gas wells, refining facilities, oil pipeline measures to recover as soon as possible
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