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时分移动电话系统随着系统不断扩容,基站的覆盖半径越来越小,导致了很多问题的产生。例如:由于基站覆盖过小,造成用户在乘车通话时,基站间信道频繁切换,导致用户通话的间断、变调和掉话。另外,由于基站覆盖过小,导致基站的同频干扰严重,造成话音质量的下降和掉话的增加。这些问题综合起来便导致系统总体服务质量的降低。由于 Time-division mobile phone system As the system continues to expand, base station coverage radius is getting smaller and smaller, resulting in a lot of problems. For example, if the coverage of the base station is too small, the channel between base stations frequently switches when the user calls in a car, resulting in discontinuities, changes and dropped calls of the user. In addition, as the coverage of the base station is too small, the co-channel interference of the base station is severe, causing a drop in voice quality and an increase of dropped calls. Together, these problems lead to a reduction in the overall quality of service of the system. due to
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Considerable protocol development efforts in recent ATM (Asynchronous Transfer Mode) Forum activities have been focused on the traffic management of available b
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