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随着高中体育模块教学的实施,在教学实践中往往会遇到学生运动技能水平相差甚远的现象。体育教师应该正视学生的差异,实施不同的教学方案,注重激发学生的运动兴趣,力争使各个层次的学生都能通过学习得到发展和提高,充分调动学生的主观能动性,最大限度地挖掘学生的潜能;培养学生的自主学练能力,让学生学会学习、学会创新、学会合作,在课堂上体验健康、自由和快乐的情感。 With the implementation of high school sports module teaching, students often encounter the phenomenon that the level of students’ sports skills is far from the same in teaching practice. Physical education teachers should face the differences of students, implement different teaching plans, focus on stimulating the students ’interest in sports and strive to make all levels of students develop and improve through learning, and fully mobilize the students’ subjective initiative to maximize the potential of students ; Cultivate students’ ability of independent study and practice so that students learn to learn, learn to innovate, learn to cooperate, and experience healthy, free and happy emotions in the classroom.
Computer simulation codes were developed based on a proposed mathematical model for centrifugal mold filling processes and previous computer software for 3D mo
目的研究毛冬青中的环烯醚萜苷类化学成分。方法将硅胶、ODS、Sephadex LH-20柱色谱、制备薄层色谱、半微量制备型高效液相色谱法相结合,对毛冬青的体积分数70%乙醇溶液提取
患者,男,7个月。右眼反复有白色小虫爬出10多天就诊。起病以来眼部无红肿,全身无不适。 检查:发育、营养良好。右眼结膜轻充血,角膜透明。拉勾拉开上下睑,下穹窿部有一白色
A reversible martensitic transformation (MT) takes place during cooling and heating in the solution quenched and the solution quenched plus aged Ni59AlHMn30 all
病例:男性,32岁。因右眼红痛、视力下降两天入院.视力:右1.0.左1.2;眼压正常。右眼睫状充血,睫状压痛(+)。角膜后壁少量羊脂状沉着物,房水混浊,Tyndall 氏征(+),玻璃体尘埃