如何落实赵南起部长关于要把后勤工作的重点转移到管理上来的指示,近几年来,我们进行了积极地探索。加强医院管理,向管理要效率、要效益、耍质量、要保障力和战斗力。一、努力创造一个适合医院建设和发展的管理环境 (一)要狠抓管理观念的转变。主要是指经验管理向科学管理、領导管理向全员管理、被动管理向主动管理、突击管理向经常性管理观念的转变。 (二)管理工作要形成合力。要把医院的各项工
How to implement Zhao Min’s instructions from the minister regarding the transfer of the logistical focus to management, and in recent years we have actively explored it. To strengthen hospital management, to manage to be efficient, to benefit, play quality, to ensure the effectiveness and combat effectiveness. First, strive to create a management environment suitable for the construction and development of the hospital (a) pay close attention to the change of management concept. Mainly refers to the experience management to scientific management, leadership management to full management, passive management to active management, surprise management to the management concept of change. (B) management work to form a joint force. To the hospital’s various workers