
来源 :数学大世界(小学三四年级辅导版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:QIANNENGWUXIAN
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从前,在一个森林里,住着兔子的一家。它们家的门前有三块菜地,是兔子兄弟三人种菜的基地,它们还常常赛一赛谁种菜的产量高呢。今年它们的菜地上都种上了红萝卜,长势非常好,眼看就要丰收了。可是,有一天早晨,兔子兄弟们发现自己的红萝卜都被人偷了一些,它们都很气愤。三兄弟商量好了,决定要在菜地四周上钉围栏。于是,它们找来了工具和材料,老大和老二毫不犹豫就钉起了围栏。而那乖巧又爱动脑筋的三弟却沉思了一会儿才开始动手。围栏钉好了,老大和老二都把围栏钉成了平行四边形。而三弟却在平行四边形的中间加上了一根木条。老大和老二迷惑不解地看着三弟。 Once upon a time, in a forest, there was a family of rabbits. There are three vegetable plots in front of their homes. They are the bases for the rabbits and brothers to grow three kinds of vegetables. They also often have high yields in the race. This year, they have planted red radishes on their vegetable plots. They grow very well and they must have a good harvest. However, one morning, the rabbit brothers found that their carrots had been stolen and they were very angry. The three brothers discussed the issue and decided to nail the fence around the vegetable plot. As a result, they found the tools and materials. The boss and the second child nailed the fence without hesitation. The well-behaved younger brother thought about it for a moment before he started to work. The fence was nailed. Both the boss and the second child nailed the fence into a parallelogram. The third brother added a wooden strip in the middle of the parallelogram. The boss and the second child looked puzzled at the third brother.
四.运输工具及其他器具:to train(乘火车旅行、用火车运),to trailer(用拖车运).to chopper(乘直升机),to steam-roller(用压路机压、采取高压手段),tomachine-gun(用机枪扫
上课铃响了,阿里对弟弟阿亚说:“上课多不自由,咱俩出去玩吧。”  于是,他俩来到小树林,见树上有个鸟窝。“掏小鸟玩!”阿里说。“对!”阿亚说着就往树上爬。树太光滑爬不上去,他俩就扔石头,想把鸟窝打下来。  一只乌急得飞来飞去,唧里唧里地叫着,说:“不要伤害我的小宝宝!”  阿里说:“看,这种鸟多漂亮,还长着犄角,一定要打下来!”  鸟窝终于被打了下来,窝里既无鸟宝宝又无鸟蛋。奇怪的是有个字条,上面
The government hopes to stimulate rural consumption and purchasing power by offering subsidies on a variety of products The government has introduced several T
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