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县级档案行政管理部门业务指导工作面大、任务重、人员少、指导难的问题,在很大程度上影响着档案工作的生机和活力,这应当引起我们足够的重视,并认真加以解决。一、宏观管理。不是撒手不管。自《档案法》颁布实施以来,档案集中统一和综合管理水平有了明显提高。但是,有的档案部门对如何搞好宏观调控、组织协调,进一步加大指导力度,在认识上出现一些偏差,一提宏观管理,就认为用不着业务指导了,档案部门仅仅做好监督、检查就行了,把监督与指导对立起来。二、档案管理达标.不能照抄照搬。近几年来通过开展各种形式的达标活动,有力地推动了档案工作的发展,但也应看到在指导档案管理达标晋级工作中,存在着照抄、照搬的现象。甲提供给乙,照抄之后又提供给丙,不顾本机关的实际,只是把一整套达标材料抄来抄去,会降低达标标准,使达标工作流于形式。三、档案必须集中统一管理,不能搞五马分尸。《档案法》明确规定,档案要实行集中统一管理,目前一些机关假集中、真分散的问题仍然存在。如有些单位为应付文明单位达标检查,竟将本机关文书档案拆散,重新组卷,并且单柜存放,专人管理,这样就造成文书档案五马分尸,这是不符合集中统一管理要求的。 The problems of large-scale, heavy-taskd, less-staffed and difficult-to-guide problems in the operational guidance of county-level archives administration departments have greatly affected the vitality and vitality of archival work, which should arouse enough attention from us and be seriously solved. First, macro management. Not give up. Since the enactment of the “Archives Law”, the standardization of centralized archives and the overall management level have been significantly improved. However, some archival departments have made some deviations in their understanding of how to do a good job of macroeconomic regulation and control, organize and coordinate their efforts, and make some omissions in their understanding. When it comes to macroeconomic management, they do not need any business guidance and the archival departments only supervise and inspect Just go ahead and put supervision and guidance in opposition. Second, file management standards. Can not copy copy. In recent years, various forms of compliance activities have been carried out to effectively promote the development of archival work. However, it should also be noted that copying and copying exists in guiding the promotion of archival management. A provided to B, C copied and then provided to C, regardless of the actual situation of this organ, but a copy of the standard copy to copy, will reduce compliance standards, so that standards work flow in the form. Third, the file must be centralized and unified management, can not engage in five separate horses. “Archives Law” clearly stipulates that the file should be centralized and unified management, the current collection of some fake, really scattered problem still exists. If some units meet the requirements of civilized units to check, they will actually split their files and reorganize the documents, and single cabinet storage and special management, thus resulting in five files and file division corpses, which is not in line with centralized management requirements.