抓好中小学图书馆(室)建设 为全区素质教育服务

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近年来,青白江区中小学图书馆(室)的建设随着普及九年义务教育的进程得到了快速发展,特别是国家教委颁发《中小学图书馆(室)规程》以后,我们进一步加大了中小学图书馆(室)建设的力度。现在,全区各中小学校的图书馆(室),不论从硬件建设,还是藏书量的建设都 In recent years, the construction of primary and secondary school libraries in Qingbaijiang District has witnessed rapid development with the popularization of nine-year compulsory education. In particular, following the issuance of the “Primary and Secondary Library (room) Regulations” issued by the State Education Commission, we further increased Primary and secondary library (room) construction efforts. Now, the primary and secondary schools in all districts of the library (room), both from the hardware construction, or the volume of collections
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期刊是信息时代传递文献信息的重要载体,期刊文献的信息服务是图书馆工作的一个重要部分。本文根据期刊的特点,对期刊信息服务工作进行了论述。 Periodicals are the import
Layered cathode materials of high-temperature lithium batteries, Li Ni1/3Mn1/3Co1/3O2 are synthesized by a sol-gel method with variation in final sintering temp
患者,男,41岁。因腹痛0.5h、腹泻2次,自服吡哌酸0.5g,灭滴灵0.2g,约20min后自觉皮肤搔痒,继之心悸、胸闷、呼吸困难,急来诊。查体:脉搏112次/min,呼吸24次/min,血压8/5.5kPa,憋喘貌,口唇紫绀,双肺闻及哮鸣音,心律... Patient, male,