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又是一年春来到。随着提名名单的公布,举世瞩目的第76届奥斯卡金像奖的竞争进入了白热化阶段。由于每年美国的电影奖项评选季过于冗长,所以今年的奥斯卡颁奖时间较之往常提前了近一个月,而2月29日恰逢四年一次,故又显出其独特的地位。2003年对于美国电影来说不是一个好年份。这一年,美国的票房收入首次出现了负增长,这是很罕见的现象。不幸的是,下滑的不仅是收入,去年美国影片的整体质量也是不高,这从最近的各大影评协会的一片混战可见一斑。纵观此次提名结果,《指环王3》获得11项奖提名而成为最大赢家,而曾经是大热门的《冷山》却遭遇寒流,在最佳影片及最佳导演名单里均不见踪影,而渴望蝉联影后的妮可尔·基德曼也没能入围最佳女主角着实令人大跌眼镜。一些媒体甚至断言:奥斯卡评委的选择越来越缺乏令人信服的魅力了。其实,奥斯卡自有它的逻辑,许多大师的经典影片也没有获奖,而无损其光芒。奥斯卡从本质上讲就是一场“明星秀”,一个热闹而不是历史性的评价。也许美国电影艺术与科学学院主席弗克·皮尔森的一席话能解释这一切,他说:“这是群雄并起的一年,我想这就是为什么那么多出色的演员没有能够获得提名的原因。”对于基德曼及安东尼·明格拉(《冷山》导演)这些奥斯卡常客来说,对于他们的要求自然更? Spring is another year. With the announcement of the nomination list, the competition of the 76th Oscars Awards, which attracts worldwide attention, has entered a white-hot stage. Since the annual film awards season in the United States is too long, the Academy Awards this year is almost a month ahead of schedule and February 29 coincides with the four years. Therefore, it shows its unique position. 2003 is not a good year for American movies. This year, for the first time, U.S. box office receipts showed negative growth. This is a very rare phenomenon. Unfortunately, the downturn is not just revenue; the overall quality of U.S. films last year was also modest, as evidenced by the recent scuffle of major film critics. Throughout the nomination results, “Lord of the Rings 3” won 11 awards nominations and become the biggest winner, while once the hot “cold mountain” has encountered the cold, in the best film and best director list are missing, Nicole Kidman, who longs for the reelection of the film, has not been shortlisted for Best Actress. Some media even assert that the selection of the Oscars is increasingly lacking convincing charisma. In fact, Oscar has its own logic, many of the masters of the classic film has not won, without detriment to its light. Oscar is essentially a “star show”, a lively but not historical evaluation. Maybe the speech of FACP president Fick Pearson explains all of this, saying: “This is a very strong year and I think that’s why so many great actors are not getting nominations. ”For Oscar-wonters like Kidman and Anthony Mugla (“ Cold Mountain ”), the demands on them are more natural.
美国人喜欢用“英雄”这个词,甚至习惯于制造“英雄”——美伊战争中的所谓英雄女兵林奇的故事。美国的著名刊物《读者文摘》中专门有一个栏目叫做“今日英雄”(Today’s Her
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