经过几年来的潜心观察,笔者已经有了这样一种感觉:在整个90年代艺术市场的形成和发展中,油画市场一直显现着比较活跃的势头。尽管在最近几年,受到亚洲金融危机和世界范围内金融动荡的影响,整个艺术市场显得有些疲软,但是油画市场的潜流一直流得挺好。现在的油画家已经少有了90年代初期的那种穷酸劲儿,作画条件多有改善,精神面貌也比以前好了许多。这都与90年代油画市场火爆不无关系。市场的活跃使画家们扬眉吐气,甚至有些趾高气扬。无怪乎有些人由衷地感叹:这是一段大好的时机,是油画买卖给了他们精气神儿。 一 油画市场的初始 直至80年代末期,中国的艺术市场还是一块未被开垦的处女地,而油画艺术也被认为是非通俗的、阳春白雪式的东西。艺术家和理论家们还上在为艺术是否应该
After a few years of painstaking observation, I already have the feeling that in the entire 90’s the formation and development of the art market, the oil painting market has been showing a relatively active momentum. Although the entire art market has been somewhat weakened by the Asian financial crisis and the worldwide financial turmoil in recent years, the undercurrent in the oil painting market has been quite good. Nowadays, the oil painters have scarcely got the sour and sourish energy of the early 90s, their painting conditions have improved and the mental outlook has also been much better than before. This is related to the hot oil painting market in the 1990s. The active market makes artists proud and even arrogant. No wonder some people sincerely lamented: This is a good time, the sale of oil paintings to their elite children. The beginning of an oil painting market Until the late 1980s, China’s art market is still an uncultivated virgin land, and oil painting art is also considered a non-popular, spring-white thing. Artists and theorists are still working on whether it should be for art