
来源 :人民司法 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hlexcuner
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在情节加重犯中,基本犯与加重情节是平等、并列关系,二者是两个不同层面的问题:犯罪的未完成形态只与基本犯罪行为有关,加重情节是量刑情节,只有具备与否的问题,与犯罪形态无直接联系。情节加重犯的理论构造是:加重犯罪=基本犯的犯罪形态﹢加重情节。在这一结构下,加重情节仅仅是加重法定刑的条件,只有条件具备与否的问题;犯罪的停止形态取决于基本犯的停止形态,随着基本犯的停止形态变化而变化。加重情节决定着最终适用的法定刑幅度,但与犯罪的预备、未遂、既遂等停止形态毫无关系和影响。 In the aggravating circumstances of the plot, the basic guilty and exacerbating the plot are equal and side-by-side relations. They are two different levels of problems: the unfinished form of the crime is only related to the basic criminal act, aggravating the plot is the plot of sentencing, and only the possession or not Problems, no direct connection with the criminal patterns. The theoretical structure of aggravating circumstances plot is: aggravating crime = basic criminal patterns of crime + increase the plot. Under this structure, aggravating the plot is only a condition of aggravating the statutory sentence, only the conditions are possessed or not; the form of the cease of crime depends on the cease form of the basic criminals and changes with the stop of the basic criminals. Aggravating the plot determines the scope of the final applicable statutory penalty, but it has nothing to do with the cessation of crime such as preparation, attempted or completed.
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