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自1994年机构分设以来,金湖县国家税务局紧紧围绕经济工作这个中心,充分发挥国税部门的职能优势,不断加强税收管理,积极推进依法治税。 几年来,该局已累计组织入库工商税收3.08亿元,其中增值税、消赞税收入2.95亿元,连年超额完成上级下达的任务,且年均递增幅度超过15%,企业和个体工商业户遵期纳税申报率均接近1000%,税收征管实现了电子化,税务等登,税票开据、报表产生、发票领购、稽查对象的确定等均出计算机来完成,还采用无线方式在全系统建成征管广域网,实现全系统数据适时共享。对逾期申报、税款滞纳以及偷骗的抗税行为,严格按规定予以处罚,对构成犯罪的,积极主动移交公安机关立案侦查。 Since the organization was established in 1994, Jinhu County State Revenue Agency closely centers on the economic work center, giving full play to the functional advantages of the state taxation department, continuously strengthening tax administration and actively promoting tax administration in accordance with the law. Over the past few years, the bureau has accumulated a total of 308 million yuan of warehousing and industrial tax receipts, of which the value-added tax and consumer tax revenues of 295 million yuan have been exceeded in recent years to issue higher-level assignments with an average annual increase of more than 15%. Enterprises and individual industrial and commercial households Compliance tax returns are close to 1000%, tax collection and management to achieve the electronic, tax and other Deng, tax receipts, reporting, invoice acquisition, the identification of the object of inspection, etc. are out of the computer to complete, but also using wireless means The system built to collect and manage the wide area network, realizes the system data sharing in time. In case of overdue declaration, late payment of taxation, and anti-taxation of fraud, punishment shall be punished in strict accordance with the provisions. If a crime is constituted, the public security organ shall be proactively referred to file a case investigation.
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风景税 近来,美国加州小镇外尼密,因为政府收支每年入不敷出,创立了一个新税目“风景税”,规定凡是住在海滨,住宅面向海洋的住户,每年须交税66~184美元。 开窗税 古希腊规定,
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