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To investigate the mechanism of 960 recipe regulating the proliferation and apoptosis of human hepatoma SMMC7721 cells.Methods 960 recipe-containing serum was derived from rats that pre-treated with 960 recipe through gastrogavage, and was added to cultured human hepatoma SMMC-7721 cells while the normal rat serum was tested as control. Cell proliferation was measured with ~3H-TdR incorporation. Cell morphology was tested by acridine orange staining. Cell apoptosis and expressions of p53, bcl-2 and p21~(ras) gene protein were analyzed with flow cytometry.Results After treating with 960 recipe, the inhibitory rate of ~3H-TdR was 42.2% for 48h. Cell morphology showed typical apoptotic cells with condensed and fragmented nuclei. There were typical apoptotic peaks in DNA histogram, the apoptotic rate being 21.25% and 27.77% for 24h, 48h respectively. Cell cycle analysis showed that cells were arrested at S-phase by treating with 960 recipe for 24h and at G_0/G_1 phase for 48h. The expression of p53 increased, but bcl-2 and ras were reduced by treating with 960 recipe for 24h.Conclusion 960 recipe can inhibit proliferation and induce apoptosis of human hepatoma cells, and affect the cell cycle, the expression of oncogene and tumor suppressor gene. These might be the main antihepatoma mechanisms of 960 recipe. To investigate the mechanism of 960 recipe regulating the proliferation and apoptosis of human hepatoma SMMC7721 cells.Methods 960 recipe-containing serum was derived from rats that pre-treated with 960 recipe through gastrogavage, and was added to cultured human hepatoma SMMC-7721 cells while The normal rat serum was tested as control. Cell proliferation was measured with ~3H-TdR incorporation. Cell morphology and tested by acridine orange staining. Cell apoptosis and expressions of p53, bcl-2 and p21ras gene genes were analyzed with Flow cytometry.Results After treating with 960 recipe, the inhibitory rate of ~3H-TdR was 42.2% for 48h. Cellular showed typical apoptotic cells with condensed and fragmented nuclei. There were typical apoptotic peaks in DNA histogram, the apoptotic rate being 21.25. According to Cell cycle analysis showed that cells were arrested at S-phase by treating with 960 recipe for 24h and at G_0/G_1 phase for 48h. On of p53 increased, but bcl-2 and ras were reduced by treating with 960 recipe for 24h.Conclusion 960 recipe can inhibit proliferation and induce apoptosis of human hepatoma cells, and affect the cell cycle, the expression of oncogene and tumor suppressor genera. These might be the main antihepatoma mechanisms of 960 recipe.
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宝宝1岁多了,妈妈以为宝宝这个年龄,自己再重回职场会轻松点。谁成想每天早晨去上班却成了一天中最头疼的场面:宝宝抱着妈妈的腿号啕大哭,不让妈妈走。每一个清晨关上家门的那一刻,妈妈的心情总是备受煎熬。有什么办法,可以让宝宝愉快地接受妈妈出门上班这件事情呢?  宝宝如是说  不想和妈妈分开。宝宝从出生以来,和妈妈之间已经建立了一种最亲密的依恋关系。当妈妈在身边时,宝宝会感到安全、轻松,他最不能接受的事情