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一、填空题(每小题4分,共20分) 1.纤维素分子是由(葡萄糖荃)通过(氧桥)连结的长链结构。 2.昆虫的体躯由(头部、胸部、腹部)三个体段组成。 3.太阳幅射热对不同朝向的外墙影响不同,(东西)向垂直面影响大,(南北)向垂直面影响小,(西)向垂直面综合温度最高。 4.档案修补技术包括(补缺)和(托补)。 5.银盐缩微胶片主要由(乳剂层)、(保护层)和(片基)等组成。 二、简答题(每小题8分,共40分) 1.什么是纤维素水解?与档案纸张耐久性有什么关系? 在一定条件下,纤维素与水反应,氧桥断裂,生成聚合度较小的水解纤维素的过程。水解纤维素是纤维素部分水解的产物,纤维素全部水解的产物是葡萄糖。 纸张中纤维素发生了水解,就意味着纸张的强度下降,如果纤维素水解彻底,生成葡萄糖,纸张就根本无强度可言了。因此,纤维素水解必然降低纸张耐久性。 2.空气中二氧化碳的含量对昆虫的呼吸有何影响? 二氧化碳是昆虫呼吸的主要刺激剂。 在进气中,只要含有0.2%的二氧化碳,即能促进昆虫呼吸,而最有效的含量为0.3%~3%,当空气中二氧化碳含量超过25%时,昆虫即麻醉。当二氧化碳含量 First, fill in the blank question (each caption 4 points, a total of 20 points) 1. Cellulose molecules by (glucose Tsuen) through the (oxygen bridge) link long-chain structure. 2. The body of an insect consists of three body segments (head, chest and abdomen). (3) Solar radiant heat has different influences on exterior facades with different orientations, (things) have a great influence on the vertical plane, (north-south) have less influence on the vertical plane, and (west) to the vertical plane have the highest comprehensive temperature. 4. File repair techniques include (fill) and (underwriting). 5. Silver microfilm mainly by the (emulsion layer), (protective layer) and (film base) and other components. Second, the short answer questions (each small question 8 points, a total of 40 points) 1. What is cellulose hydrolysis? And the durability of the archive paper? Under certain conditions, the reaction of cellulose and water, broken oxygen bridge to generate polymerization degree Smaller hydrolysis of cellulose process. Hydrolyzed cellulose is a product of partial hydrolysis of cellulose, and the product of total hydrolysis of cellulose is glucose. Hydrolysis of the cellulose in the paper means that the strength of the paper drops. If cellulose is completely hydrolyzed and glucose is produced, there is no strength at all. Therefore, cellulose hydrolysis inevitably reduces paper durability. 2. What is the effect of carbon dioxide in the air on the respiration of insects? Carbon dioxide is the main stimulant for insect respiration. In the intake, as long as 0.2% of the carbon dioxide, can promote insect breathing, and the most effective content of 0.3% to 3%, when the air more than 25% carbon dioxide, the insect is anesthetized. When the carbon dioxide content
中华人民共和国档案法实施办法………………卫.3 会全体代表致全国科技工作者的倡议书 而瞩悼念日5、张中同志逝世—………………·。…………………··‘…”“”””
扎伊尔国家档案馆(Les Archives Nationales du Zaire)创建于1989年1月,是保存、保护和开发国家档案遗产的全国性档案组织机构。 扎伊尔的档案工作长期得不到应有的重视。10