
来源 :食用菌 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:huangxz
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在食用菌母种的转管和转接原种的过程中,常使用接种耙、接种勾、接种铲来完成接种工序,使用起来很不方便。笔者经多次实验改进,研制出了一种兼有割、切、勾、托几种作用的新型接种工具—接种刀耙。使用这种接种刀耙,一次即可完成母种的转管和转接原种的全过程,而且可很方便地切割接种块的大小,降低菌丝体的破碎率。笔者自从1993年使用以来,即使转接一支母种只灼烧消毒一次接种刀耙,也没发现因接种而造成的污染。因此,使用这种接种刀耙不仅可节省时间,提高工效,而且可以节省酒精的用量。现将其结构、各部分的作用及制作方法介绍于下: Edible fungi in the transfer of species and the transfer of the original species, often used inoculation rake, vaccination hook, vaccination shovel to complete the vaccination process, it is very inconvenient to use. After several experiments, the author developed a new type of inoculation tool that has the functions of cutting, cutting, hooking and supporting. The inoculation knife rake can be used to complete the entire process of transferring and transferring the original species one time, and the size of the inoculation block can be conveniently cut down to reduce the fragmentation rate of the mycelium. Since I used it in 1993, I did not find any contamination due to inoculation, even after switching to a mother-only burning and disinfecting knife rake. Therefore, the use of this seed knife rake not only saves time, improve work efficiency, but also can save the amount of alcohol. Now its structure, the role of various parts and production methods introduced in the next:
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