
来源 :国外医学.耳鼻咽喉科学分册 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ynjdxyzzz
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对双侧声带外展麻痹,作者们倡用一种外侧固定术。手术系在插管全麻下进行,不作气管切开,由一名医师在颈部作一皮肤切口,向下逐层分离至甲状软骨,穿过甲状软骨在每侧声带刺入两个注射针头,从针孔内穿过一根丝线;另一医生在直达喉镜下将此线由另一针头向颈外引出,负责颈外操作的医生则扎紧线圈,直到内窥镜者认为声带外移为止。共作了10例此项手术:女性8例,男性2例;年龄37~65岁(平均55岁);6例是由于甲状腺手术,4例是由于神经系统疾病所引起。通过术前、术中、术后上气道阻力和呼吸量客观测定并进行磁带录音评价声音质量,发现6例术后气道阻力明显降低,4例无变化;发音困难虽有所增重,但发音时间和发音漏气情 For bilateral vocal cord abduction, the authors advocate a lateral fixation. Surgery under general anesthesia intubation, not for tracheotomy, a physician made a skin incision in the neck, down to layer by layer of thyroid cartilage, through the thyroid cartilage on each vocal cord piercing two injection needles , Through a hole in the needle hole; another doctor in the direct laryngoscope this line from the other needle leads to the neck out, the doctor responsible for the operation of the neck tied up the coil until the endoscope that the vocal cords Move so far. A total of 10 patients underwent this procedure: 8 females and 2 males; aged 37-65 years (mean, 55 years); 6 due to thyroid surgery and 4 due to neurological disorders. Through preoperative, intraoperative and postoperative upper airway resistance and respiratory volume objective determination and tape recording evaluation of sound quality and found that 6 cases of postoperative airway resistance was significantly reduced, 4 cases of no change; pronunciation dysfunction despite weight gain, But pronunciation time and pronunciation leakage situation
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