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目的设计三道胃动检测分析仪,并探讨该仪器在糖尿病胃动力障碍诊断中意义。方法依据在胃的体表投影区粘贴电极以测定胃的容积的变化,从而反映胃的运动及排空情况,设计三道胃动检测分析仪。应用该检测仪观测28例正常人及29例2型糖尿病胃动力障碍患者的导纳胃动图,并分析胃动相关波形的频率、强度与移行方向。结果检测及波形分析结果显示,健康人的胃运动频率分布于1.0~6.9次/min范围,餐后2.5~4.4次/min范围内胃运动的能量较空腹明显增强;空腹时可判别的胃运动移行波有(27.2±5.9)个/10min,其中正向移行波(14.0±3.2)个/10min,逆向移行波(7.3±4.0)个/10min,同步收缩波(6.4±7.3)个/10min,餐后正向移行波倾向增多,而同步收缩波则倾向减少。与健康人相比,糖尿病胃动力障碍患者的胃运动能量明显低于正常,正向移行波少于正常,而同步收缩波则多于正常。结论三道胃动检测分析仪可在非侵入情况下检测糖尿病胃动力异常。 Objective To design three gastric motility test analyzers and to explore the significance of the instrument in the diagnosis of diabetic gastric motility disorders. Methods According to the stomach in the body surface projection area paste electrode to determine the changes in the volume of the stomach to reflect the movement of the stomach and the emptying of the design of three gastric motility analyzer. The detector was used to observe the admittance gastrogram of 28 normal subjects and 29 patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus with gastric motility disorders and to analyze the frequency, intensity and direction of gastric motility related waveforms. The results of detection and waveform analysis showed that the gastric motility frequency of healthy individuals ranged from 1.0 to 6.9 beats / min and the energy of gastric motility was significantly increased from 2.5 to 4.4 beats / min during postprandial period compared with the fasting. The fasting gastric activity The number of traveling waves was (27.2 ± 5.9) / 10min, and the number of traveling waves was (14.0 ± 3.2) / 10min, the number of traveling waves was (7.3 ± 4.0) / 10min, the amplitude of synchronized waves was (6.4 ± 7.3) Postprandial positive shift wave tendency increases, while synchronous contraction wave tends to decrease. Compared with healthy people, gastric motility of diabetic patients with gastric motility disorder was significantly lower than normal, positive shift wave less than normal, and systolic wave more than normal. Conclusion Three gastric activity analyzer can detect gastric motility abnormalities in non-invasive cases.
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