南宁户口不再分“农业”与“非农” 新政策鼓励各类人才落户南宁

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“户籍改革一直是备受社会关注的话题。《南宁市进一步改革户籍管理制度的实施办法(试行)》(以下简称《办法》)自近日正式颁布实施,今后户口不再分非农户口或农业户口!本次发布的《办法》打破了传统的”二元制“户籍管理制度,实行城乡统一的户口登记管理制度,无论是非农户口,还是农业户口,都将成为过去时。▲2012年12月18日下午,记者从南宁市政府举行的新闻发布会上获悉,《南宁市进一步改革户籍管理制度的实施办法(试行)》即日起正式颁布实施。新的户籍政策规定,在南宁市有合法稳定住所的本自治区内户籍的农村居民,在南宁市务工经商4年以上且连续缴纳社会保险费3年以上的,可到该住所地户口登记机关办理南宁市居民户口登记。 The reform of household registration system in Nanning (Trial Implementation) (hereinafter referred to as the ”Measures“) has been promulgated and implemented since recently. In future, the accounts will no longer be divided into non-agricultural accounts or The ”Measures“ promulgated this time broke the traditional ”dual system“ household registration management system and implemented a unified registration and management system for both urban and rural areas, both non-agricultural and agricultural. On the afternoon of December 18, 2012, the reporter learned from the press conference held by the Nanning Municipal Government that ”the implementation of the Measures for the Further Reform of the Household Registration Management System in Nanning (Trial Implementation)" will be promulgated and implemented with immediate effect. The new household registration policy stipulates that in Nanning If a rural resident with a lawful and stable residence in the autonomous region has more than 4 years’ employment as a migrant worker in Nanning Municipality and continuously pays for social insurance for more than 3 years, they may go to the household registration authority of the place of residence to register the resident’s account in Nanning City.
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In England no-body under the ageof 18 is allowed todrink in public bar. Mr Brown usu-ally went to a barnear his house,buthe 1 took his son,Tom,because In Engl