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采用营养钵育苗的最大缺点,是每年要花很多的劳力来制造土块或装配营养土。同时,在育苗之前,也要花很多劳力来铺摆营养钵、纸袋等;而且在栽苗时,又不得不一个一个的将苗挖起,放入筐内。运到田间后,再一个一个地拿出来栽到地里。这样挖苗、运苗、取苗仍然很费工。此外,营养钵的配制比例和用水量的多少,不容易掌握,常常造成制出的营养钵,不是过松易破碎,就是过紧影响根的扎入和穿出。营养钵的过松或过紧,常常关系到育苗的成败。为此,在1956年设计了“模格法”育苗。这个方法很简单,就是把制造营养钵的活动模格,直接铺到苗床内,然后再把配制的营养土(其配量与一般育苗的土壤相同)填满模格内,再播种或移苗于其中,这样完全保留了营养钵的优点,而克服了其缺点。 The biggest disadvantage of using nutrient bowl seedling is that it takes a lot of labor to produce clods or nutritious soil every year. At the same time, before raising seedlings, they also have to spend a lot of labor to lay nutrition bowls, paper bags, etc., and when planting seedlings, they have to dig the seedlings one by one and put them in baskets. After being transported to the field, take it out one by one and plant it in the ground. This digging seedlings, seedlings, seedlings are still very labor-intensive. In addition, the proportion and the amount of water bowl nutrition bowl is not easy to grasp, often resulting in the production of nutrition bowls, not too loose easily broken, is too tight affect the root into and out. Nutritional bowl too loose or too tight, often related to the success or failure of nursery. To this end, in 1956 designed a “mold law” nursery. This method is very simple, that is, the activities of manufacturing nutrition bowl mold, directly into the seedbed, and then the formulated nutrient soil (the amount of soil with the same amount of general nursery) to fill the mold, sowing or transplanting Among them, it completely retains the advantages of nutrition bowls, and overcome its shortcomings.
如果眼睛老花后突然变好了,你是不是会有些惊喜呢?别高兴早了,这可不一定是好事。在此提醒你:老花眼突然不花了,可能是患了某些疾病。  眼睛老花是一种眼部自然的生理老化现象,一般从四五十岁开始便会慢慢出现,而且会贯穿以后的生活。在正常情况下,老花眼只要出现,就不会好转。如果眼睛老花程度减轻,只能说明有其他不寻常的因素出现,比如患了白内障、糖尿病等。白内障发展到某一阶段,可以导致眼部屈光状态呈现近视性变
在一次瓜成熟前,在每一植株上选一条有雌花的蔓加以标记,并加强管理和追肥。一次瓜收获后立即清除田间杂草,摘除老、弱、病叶,除 Before a melon matures, select a plant