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我国人民以辉煌业绩送别“八五”的五年,满怀信心地迎来了前景灿烂的“九五”时期。1996年,是“九五”时期的第一年。认真做好今年的经济工作,开好头、起好步,对于巩固和发展“八五”期间取得的丰硕成果,保持改革、发展、稳定的良好势头,顺利完成“九五”期间的各项任务,具有十分重要的意义。要做好今年的经济工作,首先必须正确认识当前的经济形势。经过全国上下各方面的共同努力,1995年国民经济和社会发展总的形势是好的。在严峻的通货膨胀情况下,国家继续加强和改善宏观调控,既使得物价涨幅明显回落,又保持了经济的快速增长。农业获得较好收成。工业在结构词整中稳步发展。固定资产投资增长过快的势头得到抑制。财政金融形势保持平稳。国内市场持续繁荣活跃。对外贸易和利用外资 The people of our country farewell to the “95” five-year performance with brilliant achievements, and confidently embark on the “95” period with a bright future. In 1996, it was the first year of the ’95 ’period. We should conscientiously do a good job in this year’s economic work, start well and take good measures. We have maintained a good momentum of reform, development and stability during the consolidation and development of the “85” period and successfully completed the “95th Five-Year Plan” During the various tasks, has a very important significance. To do a good job in this year’s economic work, we must first of all correctly understand the current economic situation. After the joint efforts of all levels in the country, the overall situation of the national economy and social development in 1995 was good. Under severe inflation, the state continued to strengthen and improve macroeconomic regulation and control, which not only brought down the price inflation but also maintained its rapid economic growth. Better agricultural harvest. Industry in the structure of the whole word steady development. The rapid growth of fixed asset investment was suppressed. The financial and financial situation remained stable. The domestic market continued to flourish. Foreign Trade and Utilization of Foreign Investment
Background: There has been controversy over whether orbital lymphangioma is a true entity in the orbit or various venous malformations. Case: A 1- year-old girl
Background: Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)has been implicated in B-cell lymphoma associated with iatrogenic immune dysregulation, primarily in the context of extracut
(Et4N)[Mo3(μ3-O)(μ-Cl)3(μ-OAc)3Cl3], C14H29Cl6Mo3NO7, Mr = 823.92, triclinic, P1, a = 17. 508(4), b = 19. 602(3), c=8. 091(2)A, α=91. 25(2)°, β= 96. 56(2
M ilestoneDMA-80测汞仪最大的特点可直接测定固体[4]、液体中的汞含量[3],不需要进行任何样品前处理[7]。每一个样品分析可在5~6 m in内完成,提高了工作效率。DMA-80实现了