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諾模學在俄文叫Номография;是研究書線標值用作計算的一種學問,在淺顯的應用方面叫諾模術;也當譯為圖算法,其所書岀的圖叫算圖,亦即謂諾模圖。這種方法在我國工程界僅有而未事推廣。然而在蘇聯,是在廣泛地應用着的:高等工業學校;生產部門及軍政機關,……,到處使用着(莫斯科大學也開有諾模室)。我們知道,諾摸圖主要的是“列線圖”,即排列幾條(少则三條)直線或曲缐而各標以函數尺度的計算圖。畫着缐網的“網銘圖”也是其中的一種。列線圖亦多名共線圖。其使用的方法極簡單:用尺一比,就可得到關係式中幾個變數間的一組相應值來。其圖式有平行線的,乙字形的,三角形的,方形的;二直一曲的,一直二曲的,三曲的,……,說不可盡。於常見的十幾種圖式之外,有很複雜的圖式。很複雜的方程都可以用諾模算圖表示其變數之間的相應價值。在蘇聯,諾模術已不僅是一種計算技術了,而是已成為一種有科學體態的學科。譯者譯此短文,目的在讀者起來直追這門絕妙而大有用的學科。圖算學科之有助於祖國建設與社會主義事業,實不可限量! Normolology is called Номография in Russian; it is a kind of science that studies the line value of a book as a calculation, and it is called Nomotsu in terms of its simple application; when it is translated as a graph algorithm, the map of its book is called a figure, That is, the nomogram. This method has only been promoted in the engineering circle in our country. However, in the Soviet Union, it is widely used: higher industrial schools; production departments and military and political institutions, ..., used everywhere (Moscow University also opened a nomometer room). We know that the main feature of Connaught graphs is the “column diagram”, which means that several lines (or as many as three lines) are lined up or curved and each is labeled with a functional scale. The “Ming-Ming Diagram”, which is painted on the Internet, is also one of them. The nomogram also has multiple collinear diagrams. The method used is very simple: using a ruler, you can get a set of corresponding values ​​between several variables in the relation. The patterns have parallel lines, B-shaped, triangular, square; two straight one, has been two songs, three songs, ..., said not to be exhausted. In addition to a dozen or so common schemas, there are complex schemas. The complicated equations can all use the nomogram to represent the corresponding value between their variables. In the Soviet Union, Novartis was not only a computing technology but a science discipline. The purpose of the translator’s translation of this essay is to get the reader to catch up with this wonderful and useful subject. Computational disciplines are conducive to the construction of the motherland and the cause of socialism.
看了 2 0 0 4年全国文综卷以后 ,感觉其中第 16~ 19题“文字资料和文物都是了解和研究历史的重要依据”立意比较新颖 ,而四个选择题也设计巧妙 ,能够全面地考查学生的学科能力
哲学是一门教人求索和热爱智慧的学问。哲学之“智”不仅体现在前人洋洋洒洒的哲学理论当中 ,而且体现在就同一事物、现象产生的相异甚至截然相反的哲学理论及其所进行的激烈