The effects of cement density and pipe dimension on casing waves in oil wells

来源 :Chinese Journal of Acoustics | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tengyao2009
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The acoustic field in a cased hole is studied through numerical modeling by combining experiment measurement when the first and scond interfaces are bonded well.The effects of the density of the cement,the diameter and thickness of the steel pipe on the amplitude of casing arrival(ACA) are investigated,and a part of the numerical results are compared with the experimental results.These results show that the ACA decreases with the increasing density of the cement.There exists a large difference between the ACAs for the low-and normal-density cements.Therefore,the different standard should be taken in the bonding evaluation for cements with different densities.As the thickness of the steel pipe increases while its diameter keeps as a constant,the arrival time of the casing wave remains unvaried,while the ACA increases. But,when the diameter of the pipe with a constant thickness increases,the arrival time of the casing wave is delayed,and the ACA decreases.As for three kinds of the steel pipe commonly used in oilfields,the relative amplitude of the casing arrival is larger in the big pipe. In addition,the numerical results of the varying trend of the relative amplitude of the casing arrival with the density of cements,on the whole,are in agreement with the experimental ones. The acoustic field in a cased hole is studied through numerical modeling by combining experiment measurement when the first and second interfaces are bonded well. The effects of the density of the cement, the diameter and thickness of the steel pipe on the amplitude of casing arrival ( ACA) are investigated, and a part of the numerical results are compared with the experimental results. These results show that the ACA decreases with the increasing density of the cement. There exists a large difference between the ACAs for the low-and normal-density cements.Therefore, the different standard should be taken in the bonding evaluation for cements with different densities. As thickness of the steel pipe increases while its diameter keeps as a constant, the arrival time of the casing wave remains unvaried, while the ACA increases . But, when the diameter of the pipe with constant thickness increases, the arrival time of the casing wave is delayed, and the ACA decreases. As for three kinds of the steel pipe more commonly used in oilfields, the relative amplitude of the casing arrival with the density of cements, on the whole, are in agreement with the experimental ones.
林坑古村,深山璞玉  林坑是浙江永嘉县楠溪江畔的一座四面环山的小村,它常常会从我楠溪江的行走记忆中鲜活地跳跃出来。林坑的历史不算太长,大约700多年。它的起源像许多古老的中国村落,缘于人与自然的一见钟情。相传林坑先祖一次进山打猎,追逐一只山麋鹿至此,折服于眼前的秀丽山水,遂在此建立家园。子孙繁衍,生生不息,直至今日一百余户四百余人的规模。由于地处偏远,林坑长期与外界隔绝,明清时期的建筑群才得以保留
嗜酸性筋膜炎(Eosinophilic Fascitis)系结缔组织疾病。临床上较为少见,伴甲状腺机能减退则更罕见。作者近期遇见一例经住院后确诊,现介绍如下。患者男,38岁,1991年9月初,诉