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在我们的英语学习中,往往会碰到一些结构类似的句子,初看似乎区别不大,可是经过仔细推敲,就会发现它们之间有种种不同之处,有的甚至表示完全相反的意义。从多年的教学工作中,我一直试图通过辨析一些常见的类似句来帮助我的学员了解,认识英语中类似句的异同,加深对英语语法的理解并掌握某些单词和词组的运用。 一、句子中的谓语动词用不同的时态表示,就会有不同的意义,由于有些时态形式上差别甚微。容易使学生忽略,看下面几个例子。 A)The wother sard her son was seeing the doetor in the afternoon. B)The wother sasd her.son was to see the doeter in the afternoon. A)母亲说她儿子打算下午去看病(was seemg表示意图,打算。说明她儿子有下午去看病的打算。 B)母亲说儿子已约好下午去看病。(was to see表示安排约定。说明这件事是早已安排好的。) A);If you teld a lie.It Was wery fdosh of you. B)If you teld a lie.It woud be uery foous of you. A)如果你说了谎,那真是太愚蠢了。(teld及was都是陈述语气的过去式,暗指也许你已经说了谎。也许你已承认说了谎。是 In our study of English, we often encounter some structurally similar sentences. At first glance, it seems that there is not much difference between them. However, after careful scrutiny, we can find that there are differences between them and some even express the opposite meaning. From many years of teaching, I have always tried to help my students understand and recognize the similarities and differences between similar sentences in English, deepen their understanding of English grammar and master the use of certain words and phrases by analyzing some common similar sentences. First, the predicate verb in sentences with different tense, there will be different meanings, due to some tense forms are very different. Easy to make students ignore, see a few examples below. A) The wother sard her son was seeing the doetor in the afternoon. B) The wother sasd her.son was to see the doeter in the afternoon. A) The mother said her son planned to see a doctor in the afternoon (was seemg intended, intended. Explain her son’s plan to see a doctor in the afternoon B) Mother says her son has made an appointment to see a doctor in the afternoon. (was to see means arranging a convention. That means it has been arranged for a long time.) A); If you teld a lie.It Was wery fdosh of you. B) If you teld a lie.It woud be uery foous of you A) If you lied, that would be foolish. (Both teld and was the past tense to state tone, alluding to perhaps you’ve already lied. Maybe you’ve admitted to lie.
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本文重点讨论在英语教学中教师应重视学生的情感交流、自信心、兴趣等非智力因素,培养学生良好的智力素质和非智力素质,以期收到良好的教学效果。 This article focuses on
引言 按照Hubbert和Willis的理论,水压致裂的破坏准则为: P_c-P_o=σ_t+3σ_3-σ_2,(1)式中P_c是破坏压力,P_o是岩石中的初始孔隙压力,σ_t为钻孔壁上岩石在水平方向的拉伸