
来源 :中国公共卫生 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xiazaiyigeshishi
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目的了解广东省深圳市各医疗卫生机构戒烟门诊设置及运作情况。方法采用普查方法,利用统一自制调查问卷对深圳市全部59家公立医院进行调查,有效问卷56份。结果深圳市公立医院戒烟门诊设有率为78.57%,未开设的原因主要是医护人员不足(45.45%)。戒烟门诊挂靠在呼吸内科居多(55.81%);戒烟门诊开设时间主要是全天(58.93%);仅有1家三级医院对戒烟门诊医务人员进行补贴;戒烟门诊每周平均服务时间为22.3 h。戒烟门诊人员配置以医生为主,主要为兼职人员(89.29%),有23家医院没有配备护理人员(45.10%)。一氧化碳检测仪(6.89%)和体重计(51.16%)保有率偏低;宣传教育材料保有率以宣传折页(76.74%)最高,器官模型和影像资料最低(11.63%)。过去1个月每个门诊平均接诊68人,其中二级医院最多,为97人;服务对象主要是门诊病人(81.82%)和医院工作人员(70.45%);服务类型面谈辅导(100%)较高,而电话辅导(34.09%)较低;仅有9.09%的戒烟门诊能够提供药物治疗。共有12家医院(占27.27%)收费,其中只有1家医院可完全由医保支付。结论戒烟门诊运行存在配置不全和政策支持不足等诸多困难,政府部门应出台相应的戒烟服务优惠政策,增加医务人员戒烟服务补贴,将戒烟药物纳入医保支付,开展综合性的戒烟干预方能有效提高戒烟门诊就诊率和戒烟成功率。 Objective To understand the setting and operation of smoking cessation clinics of medical and health institutions in Shenzhen, Guangdong Province. Methods A total of 59 public hospitals in Shenzhen were surveyed by means of a census method and 56 questionnaires were validated by a unified questionnaire. Results The rate of smoking cessation clinics in public hospitals in Shenzhen was 78.57%. The reasons for not setting up medical clinics were mainly lack of medical staff (45.45%). Smoking cessation clinics were mostly residing in respiratory medicine (55.81%); smoking cessation clinics were mainly set up during the whole day (58.93%); only one level 3 hospital subsidized smoking cessation medical staff; and the average weekly service time of smoking cessation clinics was 22.3 hours . The staffing of cessation clinic mainly consisted of doctors, mainly part-time workers (89.29%) and nursing staff (45.10%) in 23 hospitals. The retention rate of carbon monoxide detector (6.89%) and weight scale (51.16%) was low; the retention rate of propaganda and education materials was the highest (76.74%), the lowest was organ model and imaging data (11.63%). In the past month, each outpatient clinic received an average of 68 persons, of which the second-level hospitals accounted for a maximum of 97 people. The clients were mainly outpatients (81.82%) and hospital staff (70.45%), and counseling services (100% Higher, while telephone counseling (34.09%) is lower; only 9.09% of smoking cessation clinics can provide medical treatment. A total of 12 hospitals (27.27%) were charged, of which only 1 hospital was covered by Medicare. Conclusion There are many problems such as incomplete allocation and insufficient policy support in the operation of smoking cessation clinic. Government departments should issue corresponding preferential smoking cessation services, increase subsidies for smoking cessation services for medical staff, and include smoking cessation drugs in medical insurance, and comprehensive smoking cessation intervention can effectively improve Quit smoking clinic visits and smoking cessation success rates.
目的 评价腰牵加SSP治疗仪(点刺激的镇痛疗法)治疗腰椎间盘突出症的治疗效果,并与单纯腰牵治疗相比较。方法 将122例腰椎间盘突出症患者随机分为腰牵加SSP治疗组和单纯牵引组,
<正> 随着我国市场经济的迅猛发展,受利益的驱使,假冒的商品和证照不时充斥于市,国内的防伪技术也随之发展起来。现在的消费者和鉴定者要求防伪标识一眼就能看出是真是假,又