加快渔业标准化工作 促进渔业产业化发展

来源 :天津水产 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:booksky
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在经济全球化的国际大背景、建设社会主义新农村和渔业产业经济发展需要的客观现实背景下,渔业技术标准作为确保水产品质量安全、促进水产品流通和贸易、规范水产品的市场秩序、指导生产和引导消费的主要因素,已经受到了政府重视和社会各界的普遍关注。因此,渔业标准化是推进渔业产业化进程的重要前提和基础,是产业升级换代的催化剂,同时,在标准化基础上形成的产业化能促进服务体系的社会化。推进渔业标准化、促进渔业产业化,是解决我国“三农”问题的有效途径。文章主要讨论了实施渔业标准化和产业化的意义、二者关系及目前存在的问题,并针对这些问题提出了发展对策。 Under the background of international economic globalization and the objective reality of building a new socialist countryside and the economic development of the fishery industry, as the guarantee of the quality and safety of aquatic products, promoting the circulation and trade of aquatic products, standardizing the market order of aquatic products, The main factors that guide the production and guide consumption have drawn the attention of the government and the general concern of the community. Therefore, the standardization of fishery is an important precondition and basis for promoting the industrialization of fisheries, a catalyst for the upgrading of the industry, and the industrialization formed on the basis of standardization can promote the socialization of the service system. To promote the standardization of fisheries and promote the industrialization of fisheries is an effective way to solve the “Three Rural Issues” issue in our country. This paper mainly discusses the significance of implementing the fishery standardization and industrialization, the relationship between the two and the existing problems, and proposes the development countermeasures to these problems.
斑节对虾(Penaeus monodon Fabricius),俗称草虾、竹节虾、花虾,联合国粮农组织通称大虎虾。在我国南方各省广为养殖。随着近海水资源污染加重,赤潮频发,北方各省的对虾产量
墨西哥国立心脏病学研究所的 National Institute of Cardiology of Mexico
公式 a_n=S_n-S_(n-1)看似平常,其实内涵丰富,有着不寻常的功能和应用价值,本文举例如下:例1 已知数列{x_n),满足 x_1=b,x_(n+1)=cx_n+d 且 c≠1.求通项公式.解:令 x_n=S_n
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