Bowel perforation caused by fiberopticoscopy is infrequent, but in the event of a potential threat to life. The sigmoid colon is over-stretched, and the tip of the speculum pushes against the bowel wall. When the speculum advances, the intestines of steering intestines are over-stressed or excessive air pressure is applied to cause bowel perforation. Use of high-frequency electric knife line can also cause intestinal perforation when polyp excision. Timely discovery, immediately Caesarean section intestinal repair. Delayed diagnosis of the formation of localized peritonitis, the application of non-surgical therapy. If it has resulted in diffuse peritonitis, should be surgery. The author in a 5-year co-colonoscopy 1,785 cases, the complication as indicated, of which 1 case of 1.5cm intestinal perforation patients with conservative treatment