区位优势引来众多企业纷纷落户 广西磷化工产业集群进行时

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“最近几年,广西的磷化工产业发展迅速。不仅进出口贸易继续蓬勃兴旺,来本地投资磷化工项目的企业也越来越多。随着大批磷化工企业的落户,广西北部湾地区的防城港、钦州等地正在形成磷化工产业集群。”近日,广西磷化工行业协会会长林明在接受记者采访时这样表示。据介绍,广西正处在中国磷化工产品出口物流的最佳位置,从广西出口的磷化工产品超过全国出口总量的50%,磷酸产品出口走在全国前列。 “In recent years, Guangxi’s phosphorus chemical industry is developing rapidly .Not only the import and export trade continues to thrive, to the local investment in phosphorus chemical projects more and more enterprises.With a large number of phosphorus chemical industry settled in Guangxi Beibu Gulf Fangchenggang, Qinzhou and other places are forming phosphorus chemical industry cluster. ”" Recently, Lin Ming, president of Guangxi Phosphorus Chemical Industry Association, said in an interview. According to reports, Guangxi is in the best position of China’s export of phosphorus chemical products, exports of phosphorus chemical products from Guangxi more than 50% of the total export volume, exports of phosphate products in the forefront of the country.
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