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以6个水稻品种为试验材料,分别在幼穗分化的苞分化期(T1)、枝梗分化期(T2)、颖花分化期(T3)、花粉母细胞形成及减数分裂期(T4)和花粉充实完成期(T5)喷施低浓度(C1,5mg/L)、中浓度(C2,10mg/L)、高浓度(C3,20mg/L)的细胞分裂素(cytokinins,CTK),研究其对水稻穗部性状及株型性状的影响。结果表明,幼穗分化的不同时期喷施不同浓度的CTK后,穗长、二次枝梗结实率和穗结实率极显著高于对照,不同浓度CTK处理间差异不显著。穗粒数以低浓度CTK处理最高,其他处理与对照差异不显著。喷施CTK可极显著或显著降低千粒重(包括一次和二次枝梗千粒重)和着粒密度。幼穗分化期喷施不同浓度CTK后,剑叶基角、倒二叶基角、倒三叶基角、倒二叶长、倒三叶长和倒三节长极显著高于对照。在幼穗分化的不同时期喷施CTK后,对穗长的促进效果T1时期喷施极显著高于后4个时期喷施,对穗粒数的促进效果处理T1>T5>T4>T2>T3,对结实率的促进效果以T4时期施用最为明显,T3时期施用着粒密度的降幅最大。CTK的施用浓度与施用时期间具有互作效应,针对不同穗部性状的调控效果,确定最佳的施用浓度与施用时期组合。 Six rice cultivars were used as experimental materials in the differentiation of young panicle (T1), branch differentiation stage (T2), spikelet differentiation stage (T3), pollen mother cell formation and meiosis stage (T4) (C2, 10 mg / L) and high concentration (C3, 20 mg / L) of cytokinins (CTK) were sprayed at low and medium pollination (T5) Effects on Rice Panicle Traits and Plant Type Traits. The results showed that spike length, secondary branchlet seed setting rate and ear setting rate were significantly higher than those of the control under different CTK concentrations at different stages of spike differentiation. There was no significant difference between CTK treatments at different concentrations. The number of grains per spike was the highest at low concentration of CTK and the other treatments were not significantly different from the control. Spraying CTK significantly or significantly reduced the 1000-grain weight (including the 1000th weight of primary and secondary branches) and grain density. After spraying CTK with different concentrations during young panicle differentiation, the flag leaf base angle, inverted leaf base angle, inverted cloverleaf angle, inverted second leaf length, inverted clover length and inverted third node length were significantly higher than those of the control. Spraying CTK at different stages of young spike differentiation was significantly higher than that of the other four spleens at the T1 stage, and the effect of spike grain number spraying on T1> T5> T4> T2> T3 , The promotion effect on the seed setting rate was the most obvious in the T4 period, and the grain density decreased in the T3 period. The application concentration of CTK has an interaction effect with the time of application, and according to the regulation effect of different ear traits, the optimum application concentration is determined in combination with the application period.
加入WTO后,伴随着中国经济发展的国际空间不断拓宽,国际上对华反倾销数量也在迅速增加。这些国家对华反倾销的主要理由,就是中国属于“非市场经济国家”(Non-Market Economy Cou